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Return of the Jodi

February 2nd, 2011 by Segher · 6 Comments

Return of the Jodi

[UPDATED, at the bottom]

[Guest post by roto:]

Recently, news has spread of a Lego Star Wars exploit for the Wii. After last week’s Bathaxx release there wasn’t much rush to get our LSW exploit out there but it seems the cat is out of the bag. Releasing our own version now would make more sense than waiting or not releasing at all. No disrespect is meant towards the person who worked on the LSW exploit that has been making the rounds on news sites, but we figured it wouldn’t hurt to share what we’ve created.

This exploit works on the original Lego Star Wars game as well as the newer (1.01) release (NTSC and PAL) all through one masterfully crafted save.

Thanks goes out to lewurm for fine-tuning all code and testing the PAL region save and of course Team Twiizers for initial LIJ source.

[segher: And of course, thanks to roto for doing all the heavy lifting for this exploit! And to drmr for the awesome graphics.]

[UPDATE: New version, now properly supporting JPN region, with thanks to “Nekokabu” and “airline38”!]

Have a look at the source code, or download the binary.

As always, be sure to read the license before redistributing the binary: it’s GPL, you are not allowed to distribute without also giving out the source code. So please don’t.

Tags: Wii

6 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Wack0 // Feb 2, 2011 at 1:47 pm

    LOL, “jodi” xD
    btw, first

  • 2 Wack0 // Feb 2, 2011 at 1:51 pm

    also, inb4 all lego whatever games for the Wii have been exploited

  • 3 DCX2 // Feb 2, 2011 at 7:06 pm

    It’s good to see more exploits available. Everyone will miss the days of bannerbomb…

    Will this work for Japanese and Korean Wiis too?

  • 4 Dr_NiNO // Feb 3, 2011 at 4:42 am

    Glad to read this!
    But also worried …
    This is, once again, an open door to all these assholes who take advantage of “good guys” discoveries to make money!

    We can easily imagine that the price of this game will still reach the summits like the previous Indiana Jones, Batman …
    And it disgusts me!

    All we need is … bannerbomb !!

  • 5 Nekokabu // Feb 3, 2011 at 5:26 am

    Japanese ver cannot work 🙁

  • 6 TVGZone // Feb 6, 2011 at 10:45 pm

    Just tried the updated JPN exploits which Lewurm advised me via gmail.

    Both exploits (stop & nostop data.bin) work no problem to start the boot.elf from SD card.

    As for the version of the JPN game, I have no idea because I don’t have the original one. What I understand is there was only one version of this JPN game which was released in March 2008.

    I think it should be OK to for you to release the updated JPN exploit.

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