Metrowerks Target Resident Kernel for PowerPC MetroTRK for Revolution v0.1 ERROR : No buffer available MetroTRK Option : SerialIO - Enable Disable END%s Devkit set to : %ld MetroTRK : Sizeof Reply - %ld bytes MetroTRK : Set to BBA MetroTRK : Set to NDEV hardware MetroTRK : Set to UNKNOWN hardware. (%ld) MetroTRK : Invalid hardware ID passed from OS MetroTRK : Defaulting to GDEV Hardware /shared2/sys /shared2/sys/SYSCONF /title/00000001/00000002/data/setting.txt bt_command.c Could not create heap for bt library Memory allocation failed BT_Reset %s is not implemented. %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x BT_CreateConnection BT_GetPair: illegal argument %d %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x %12s%32s BT_GetLEDInfo target bd address: argument invalid length:%d %04d%04d%04d Checksum_Generate: invalid argument! Checksum_Generate: length error! from:%d to:%d BT_Enable BT_ScanEnable BT_Reset BT_ReadBDAddress BT_EnablePairing BT_CreateConnection BT_DeviceUnderTestMode BT_GetPair BT_ClearPairingList BT_GetRegisteredDeviceCount BT_GetStatus BT_GetLedInfo BT_ProbeController BT_Get2045FirmwareVersion BT_PairingSpecifiedAddr BT_GetButtonState !BT_GetAccelationState 0BT_Disconnect WLAN_Enable WLAN_UnlockWirelessDriver WLAN_LockWirelessDriver WLAN_GetWLState WLAN_GetWLVersion WLAN_GetModuleId WLAN_GetWDConfig WLAN_GetMacAddress WLAN_SetEeromCountryCode WLAN_GetEeromCountryCode WLAN_SelectRxAntenna WLAN_SetChannel WLAN_SetRate WLAN_SetPreambleType WLAN_SetTestSignal WLAN_SelectTxAntenna WLAN_TestSignalOn WLAN_TestSignalOff WLAN_ScanAccessPoint WLAN_Idle WLAN_Class1 WLAN_NetConfig WLAN_SetSsid WLAN_SetIpAddr WLAN_SetNetmask WLAN_SetPort WLAN_GetLinkStatus WLAN_NetConfigTimeout WLAN_NetConfigZeroClear WLAN_GetChannel WLAN_GetAntennaConfig WLAN_UDPRecv !WLAN_UDPRecvTimeout "WLAN_UDPSend #WLAN_UDPSendInterval $WLAN_UDPPacketLength %WLAN_UDPPacketNum &WLAN_SetTargetIpAddr 'WLAN_SetTargetPort (WLAN_UDPSendTimeout )WLAN_SetRateSet *WLAN_SetBeaconPeriod /WLAN_PingTimeout 0WLAN_Ping 1WLAN_UDPStartPacketNum 2WLAN_UDPEndPacketNum 3WLAN_GetSsid 4WLAN_GetRssiByScan 5WLAN_GetRssiFromLomem @WLAN_AdhocMode DWLAN_GetRxPacketCounter TESTER_GetVersion TESTER_GetBuildDate TESTER_GetLastCommand TESTER_GetCommandHistory TESTER_DisableChecksumCommunicate TESTER_NoOperation TESTER_SetCommandExecFreq TESTER_WaitCommandExec TESTER_GetIosVersion TESTER_GetHollywoodVersion TESTER_GetRVLMem2Size TESTER_GetSerialNumber TESTER_ResetTimeCounter TESTER_GetTimeCounter TESTER_GetWaikikiSlot TESTER_ClearDisplay TESTER_InsertOKInspectionLog 0TESTER_DvdStopMotor @TESTER_ApplicationRestart ATESTER_WADRestart BTESTER_WADDeleteMe PTESTER_DVDOSExecl [CE] CmdExec: illegal opecode 0x%x [%02d:%02d:%02d.%02d] %s %s(%s) OpecodeToCommandMapGroup: opecode=0x%x is not entry. IsEntriedOpecode: opecode=0x%x is not entry. [CE] CommandExecuter running... [CE] CommandExecuter sleep %d [CE] CommandExecuter <<< count:%d osm:[%s] [CE] create CommPacket failed. osm:[%s] [CE] CommandExecuter >>> res:%s [CE] OSSendMessage [%s] failed. CommandExecuter_Init: mq_cmd or mq_res pointed NULL! CmdMessageArray elem_num:%d ResMessageArray elem_num:%d OSInitMessageQueue done. OSCreateThread done. OSResumeThread done. comm_packet.c CommPacket_IsCommPacketString: src is NULL %s%c%c%s CommPacket_StringToCommPacket: expected_chksum:0x%x skip compare. CommPacket_StringToCommPacket: chksum :0x%02x <> expected_chksum:0x%02x CommPacket_Init: argument NULL! WLAN_LockWirelessDriver Use Antenna A Use Antenna B Use Diversity WLAN_UnlockWirelessDriver Network setting nakamura_s c0a80204 ffffff00 c0a80203 ================================================= ============================================= Start) this message A) show static infomation B) cancel X) wlan scanning access point Y) scroll up Z) receive other cast good packet L+A) wlan stress test L+X) wlan stress test(manual tx/rx) L+Y) wlan test signal test L+R+B) return L+R+X) bluetooth pairng start L+R+Z+X) bluetooth clear pairing list R+Start) bluetooth 2045 device under test mode ------------------------------------------ Loop : %d [%s] ------------------------------------------ Abort! WLAN MAC Address :[%s] WLAN WL Version :[%s] WLAN EeromCountryCode:[%s] WLAN_NetConfig WLAN_GetLinkStatus - - - - - - - - - - - - A: confirm link status X: send udp packet Y: recv udp packet L: change antenna and netconfig WLAN_UDPSend WLAN_UDPRecv WLAN_SetRate (%02d) WLAN_SetChannel (%02d) WLAN_SetSignal (%02d) WLAN_SelectRxAntenna (%02d) WLAN_SelectTxAntenna (%02d) WLAN_TestSignalOff - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A: output signal B: stop signal / loop out X/Y: channel++/-- R/L: change rx/tx antenna left/right: select test type already TestSingal On (channel=%d, signal=%d, rx_ant=%d, tx_ant=%d) channel=%d, signal=%d, rx_ant=%d, tx_ant=%d ready ? [YES(Y)/NO(B)] WLAN_TestSignalOn channel (%d) WLAN_SelectTxAntenna (%d) WLAN_SelectRxAntenna (%d) WLAN_SetTestSignal (%d) If you want to use [%d] channel, press START. DEV.Class1 failed PARAM Set OperationMode failed MLME.Start failed PARAM Set TxPower failed DevGetWirelessCounter failed [%s] %dch good,bad,ocast_good=%d,%d,%d 2045 BD Address :[%s] 2045 Firmware Version :[%s] Registered remote controller :[%s] registered[%d]:[%s/%s] Revolution is ready for pairing. Push remote controller SYNC button !! 2045 firmware entering testmode. clear paring list ... ProgramVersion :[%s] BuildDate :[%s] RVL SerialNumber:[%s] mb_Entry id:%d, state:%d msg:%s RingBuffer_Entry: Warning! token length :%d > 80 MessageBuffer_Entry: %d OSSendMessage >>> token [%s] RingBuffer_Entry: cmd_queue is full. RingBuffer_Entry: %d token [%s] is RESPONSE RingBuffer_Entry: %d token [%s] is FORMAT_ERROR RingBuffer_Entry: %d token [%s] is UNDEFINED RingBuffer_GetMessage id(%d) is invalid! MessageBuffer_Previous: invalid num:%d latest Id:%d previous Id:%d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d (%d) time=%s, state=%d, cmd=%s MessageBufferToString id:%d is invalid RVL004.02 Last Command : id:%d, state:%d, msg:%s TESTER_DisableCommandChecksum %s is not implemented. TESTER_SetCommandExecFreq g_freq_command_exec :%d TESTER_WaitCommandExec g_wait_next_command :%d %d.%d.%d No Hollywood tester_command.c assertion failed! size (0x%x) != OS_PRODUCT_INFO_SIZE (0x%x) NANDOpen failed:%d NANDGetLength failed:%d NANDRead failed:%d key_length invalid. value_length invalid. code=%s serno=%s %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d NOT PROBED WIRELESS_TEST WTester4_0314.dol buffer_address: 0x%p DVDOpen Failed. DVDOpen succeeded. DVDGetLength %d OSAlloc succeeded. buffer_address: 0x%p fileSize %d DVDRead Failed. DVDRead finished. DVDClose. OSSetSaveRegion start:0x%p end:0x%p wait %d sec. AsciiToU8 illegal byte:%c val:%d CharToU32: parameter error! ch is NULL stringToU32: parameter error! from=%d, to=%d HexStringToU8: buf is NULL tester_util.c DeleteLastR: src is NULL %02d:%02d.%03d %02d:%02d:%02d.%01d probed [SLOT-A]. probed [SLOT-B]. wkcontrol.c Waikiki_Read: invalid chan. Waikiki_Read: offset is invalid Waikiki_Write: illegal specified chan%d! EXILock chan:%d failed WK_TIME_OUT NONE WEP40 WEP104 WPA TKIP WPA2 AES WPA AES WEP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ch rssi ss security capa rateset bssid ssid %2d -%2d %s %s %s %04x/%04x %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %s Could not discover AP SetInAddrEx: pointer is NULL SetInAddrEx: parameter length is not 8 SO_ERROR : SO_EAFNOSUPPORT SO_EAGAIN SO_ECONNRESET SO_ENETUNREACH SO_EBADF SO_EMSGSIZE 0wlan_command.c Could not create heap for SO library WD_Cleanup trying ... WD_Cleanup done. NCDUnlockWirelessDriver (g_lockId=%d) Not Locked. already locked (g_lockId=%d) NCDLockWirelessDriver trying ... NCDLockWirelessDriver done (g_lockId=%d). WLAN_LockWirelessDriver: TIMEOUT (>%d) WD_Startup(WD_MODE_TEST) (%d). WLAN_GetWLState failed:(0x%04x) WLAN_GetWLVersion failed:(0x%04x) WLAN_GetModuleId failed:(0x%04x) %02d#%02d#%02d#%02d WLAN_GetMacAddress failed:(0x%04x) %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x WLAN_SetCountryCode country : [%s] WLAN_SetCountryCode failed:(0x%04x) WLAN_GetCountryCode failed:(0x%04x) %02d#%02d WLAN_SetChannel channel 0x%x WLAN_SetRate rate 0x%x WLAN_SetTestSignal signalType 0x%x WLAN_SelectTxAntenna failed:(0x%04x) WLAN_SelectRxAntenna failed:(0x%04x) WLAN_TestSignalOn signalType=%d rate=%d channel=%d WLAN_TestSignalOn failed:(0x%04x) WLAN_TestSignalOff failed:(0x%04x) scan start analyze start finished. WLAN_Idle failed:(0x%04x) WLAN_Class1 failed:(0x%04x) SOInit success (%d) SOInit SO_EALREADY (%d) SOInit() failed (%d) NCDSetIfConfig() failed (%d) NCDSetIfConfig success (%d) NCDSetIpConfig failed (%d) NCDSetIpConfig success (%d) NCDGetLinkStatus (%d) NCDIsInterfaceDecided TIMEOUT (>%d). NCDIsInterfaceDecided. NCDSetIfConfig(zero) success. NCDSetIfConfig(zero) failed (%d). NCDSetIpConfig(zero) success. NCDSetIpConfig(zero) failed (%d). rx=%d#tx=%d SOStartup failed (%d) SOStartup success (%d) SOSocket failed (fd=%d) SOSetSockOpt failed (%d) SOSetSockOpt success (%d) SOBind failed (%d) SOBind success (%d) Enter receiving packets loop (timeout %d frame). WLAN_UDPRecv: TIMEOUT (>%d). #%d#%d#%d (%d) :%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x rssi=%x,channel=%x rssi=%04x,channel=%02x channel=%d, rssi=-%d packets data=%d, start=%d, end=%d UDPRecv: missing start/end packet. UDPRecv: start_packet_cnt %d, end_packet_cnt %d UDPRecv: illegal state. %02.3f %% (%d/%d) packet loss. SOClose failed (%d) SOClose (%d) SOCleanup (%d) %03.3f#%d#%d#%d#-%d %03.3f#%d#%d WLAN_UDPRecvTiemout 0x%x SOSocket failed (%d) SOSocket success (fd=%d) SOConnect failed (%d) SOConnect success (%d) start packet_num:%d, end packet num:%d packet_num:%d, data_length:%d Start packet1 write failed (%d) WLAN_UDPSend: TIMEOUT (>%d) Enter sending packets loop (timeout %d frame). End packet1 Write failed (%d) WLAN_UDPSendInterval 0x%x WLAN_UDPPacketLength 0x%x WLAN_UDPPacketNum 0x%x ICMPSocket() failure (%d) ICMPSocket() (descriptor: %d) ICMPPing() failure (%d) UnReacheable Timeout ICMPPing() success ICMPClose() failure (%d) WLAN_UDPStartPacketNum 0x%x argument invalid.(%s) avgTimes :%d waitMsec :%d sizeof(*info) =%d [%d] channel=%02x, rssi=%04x (-%d) rssi sum:%d, avgTimes:%d avg:%.03f %x#-%.03f WLAN_SetAdhocMode WD_WlTest_DevClass1 failed. 0x%x WD_WlTest_ParamSetOperationMode is failed. 0x%x WD_WlTest_MlmeStartRequest is failed. 0x%x WLAN_GetRxPacketCounter WLAN_GetRxPacketCounter failed:(0x%04x) %010d#%010d#%010d WD_ExecWlTestCommand: calling WD_CallWL WL:%04xh> MLME Start.request (%d,%04xh~%04xh,%d,%d,%d,%04xh,%04xh,%d) WL:%04xh> PARAM Set operation mode (%d) WL:%04xh> PARAM Set Tx Antenna (%d) WL:%04xh> PARAM Set antenna diversity (%d,%d) WL:%04xh> PARAM Set Tx Power (0x%04x) WL:%04xh> PARAM Set EEROMContentCommand (%04x%04x) WL:%04xh> PARAM Get MAC address WL:%04xh> PARAM Get EEROM Info WL:%04xh> DEV Idle WL:%04xh> DEV Class1 WL:%04xh> DEV Get version WL:%04xh> DEV Get wireless counter WL:%04xh> DEV Get current state WL:%04xh> DEV Get test signal (%d,%d,%d,%d) probing waikiki ... Initialize Waikiki RecvBuffer Enter Main loop pad found. ReceiveMessage [%s] 0207A941 ES_InitLib done. ES_GetTicketView failed: %d /meta/00010000 NANDDelete failed(%d). ES_GetTicketViews return(%d). ES_DeleteTicket failed(%d). ES_DeleteTitle failed(%d). WAD_Delete finished(%d). May 2 2007 14:55:46 application restart application first GXGeometry.h GXEnd: called without a GXBegin ResultCodeAnalyzer string length invalid!. +%s %s ----------------------------------------------------- *** WTester *** PROGRAM_VERSION: %s RVL004.02 BUILD: %s DATE: %d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d WTester ver : %s build : %s IOS : %d.%d.%d No Hollywood ES : %s MEM2 : %s Move_WkInbuf: invalid pointer. H4A should not be cleared because of Broadway errata. << RVL_SDK - OS debug build: Jan 9 2007 01:32:24 (0x4199_60831) >> Failed assertion __OSRebootParams.regionEnd != NULL OS ERROR: boot program is not for RVL target. Please use correct boot program. Failed to run app OS ERROR: apploader[D].img is not for RVL target. Please use correct apploader[D].img. Revolution OS Kernel built : %s %s Jan 9 2007 01:32:24 Console Type : Pre-production board 1 Pre-production board 2-1 Pre-production board 2-2 Retail %d NDEV 2.1 NDEV 2.0 NDEV 1.2 NDEV 1.1 NDEV 1.0 Revolution Emulator Emulation platform (%08x) TDEV-based emulation HW%d Firmware : %d.%d.%d (%d/%d/%d) Memory %d MB MEM1 Arena : 0x%x - 0x%x MEM2 Arena : 0x%x - 0x%x System reset MachineCheck External Int. Alignment FP Unavailable Decrementer System call Perf mon Thermal Int. Protection error FP Exception OSExceptionInit(): too big exception vector code. Installing OSDBIntegrator >>> OSINIT: exception %d commandeered by TRK >>> OSINIT: exception %d vectored to debugger Exceptions initialized... __OSSetExceptionHandler(): unknown exception. __OSGetExceptionHandler(): unknown exception. OSAddress.c OSPhysicalToCached(): illegal address. OSPhysicalToUncached(): illegal address. OSCachedToPhysical(): illegal address. OSUncachedToPhysical(): illegal address. OSCheckAlarmQueue: Failed AlarmQueue.head == NULL && AlarmQueue.tail == NULL || AlarmQueue.head != NULL && AlarmQueue.tail != NULL in %d OSCheckAlarmQueue: Failed AlarmQueue.head == NULL || AlarmQueue.head->prev == NULL in %d OSCheckAlarmQueue: Failed AlarmQueue.tail == NULL || AlarmQueue.tail->next == NULL in %d OSCheckAlarmQueue: Failed alarm->next == NULL || alarm->next->prev == alarm in %d OSCheckAlarmQueue: Failed alarm->next != NULL || AlarmQueue.tail == alarm in %d OSAlarm.c Failed assertion alarm->handler == 0 Failed assertion next == 0 OSSetAlarm(): tick was less than zero. OSSetAlarm(): null handler was specified. Failed assertion OSCheckAlarmQueue() OSSetAbsAlarm(): null handler was specified. OSSetPeriodicAlarm(): period was less than zero. OSSetPeriodicAlarm(): null handler was specified. OSCancelAlarms(): invalid tag. (tag zero is used by the operating system.) OSSetAlarmUserData NULL pointer is detected at %s OSGetAlarmUserData OSAlloc.c OSAllocFromHeap(): heap is not initialized. OSAllocFromHeap(): invalid size. OSAllocFromHeap(): invalid heap handle. OSAllocFromHeap: Warning- failed to allocate %d bytes OSAllocFromHeap(): heap is broken. OSAllocFixed(): heap is not initialized. OSAllocFixed(): invalid range. OSAllocFixed: Warning - failed to allocate from %p to %p Failed assertion MINOBJSIZE <= (char*) cellEnd - (char*) end Failed assertion MINOBJSIZE <= (char*) start - (char*) cell Failed assertion 0 <= hd->size Failed assertion OFFSET(start, ALIGNMENT) == 0 Failed assertion OFFSET(end, ALIGNMENT) == 0 Failed assertion start < end OSFreeToHeap(): heap is not initialized. OSFreeToHeap(): invalid pointer. OSFreeToHeap(): invalid heap handle. OSSetCurrentHeap(): heap is not initialized. OSSetCurrentHeap(): invalid heap handle. OSInitAlloc(): invalid number of heaps. OSInitAlloc(): invalid range. OSInitAlloc(): too small range. OSCreateHeap(): heap is not initialized. OSCreateHeap(): invalid range. OSCreateHeap(): too small range. OSCreateHeap: Warning - Failed to find free heap descriptor. OSDestroyHeap(): heap is not initialized. OSDestroyHeap(): invalid heap handle. OSDestroyHeap(%d): Warning - free list size %d, heap size %d OSAddToHeap(): heap is not initialized. OSAddToHeap(): invalid heap handle. OSAddToHeap(): invalid range. OSAddToHeap(): too small range. OSCheckHeap: Failed HeapArray in %d OSCheckHeap: Failed 0 <= heap && heap < NumHeaps in %d OSCheckHeap: Failed 0 <= hd->size in %d OSCheckHeap: Failed hd->allocated == NULL || hd->allocated->prev == NULL in %d OSCheckHeap: Failed InRange(cell, ArenaStart, ArenaEnd) in %d OSCheckHeap: Failed OFFSET(cell, ALIGNMENT) == 0 in %d OSCheckHeap: Failed cell->next == NULL || cell->next->prev == cell in %d OSCheckHeap: Failed MINOBJSIZE <= cell->size in %d OSCheckHeap: Failed OFFSET(cell->size, ALIGNMENT) == 0 in %d OSCheckHeap: Failed 0 < total && total <= hd->size in %d OSCheckHeap: Failed cell->hd == hd in %d OSCheckHeap: Failed HEADERSIZE + cell->requested <= cell->size in %d OSCheckHeap: Failed hd->free == NULL || hd->free->prev == NULL in %d OSCheckHeap: Failed cell->next == NULL || (char*) cell + cell->size < (char*) cell->next in %d OSCheckHeap: Failed cell->hd == NULL in %d OSCheckHeap: Failed total == hd->size in %d OSReferentSize(): heap is not initialized. OSReferentSize(): invalid pointer. OSDumpHeap(%d): OSDumpHeap(): heap is not initialized. OSDumpHeap(): invalid heap handle. --------Inactive OSDumpHeap(): heap is broken. padding %d/(%f%%) header %d/(%f%%) payload %d/(%f%%) addr size prev next --------Allocated --------Free OSArena.c OSGetArenaHi(): OSInit() must be called in advance. OSGetArenaHi(): invalid arena (hi < lo). OSGetArenaLo(): OSInit() must be called in advance. OSGetArenaLo(): invalid arena (hi < lo). OSAudioSystem.c __OSInitAudioSystem(): ARAM DMA already in progress __OSInitAudioSystem(): DSP DMA already in progress __OSInitAudioSystem(): DSP already working __OSInitAudioSystem(): DSP returns invalid message OSCache.c LCAlloc(): addr must be 32 byte aligned LCAlloc(): nBytes must be 32 byte aligned LCAllocNoFlush(): addr must be 32 byte aligned LCAllocNoFlush(): nBytes must be 32 byte aligned LCLoadData(): srcAddr not 32 byte aligned LCLoadData(): destAddr not 32 byte aligned LCStoreData(): srcAddr not 32 byte aligned LCStoreData(): destAddr not 32 byte aligned >>> L2 INVALIDATE : SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN Machine check received HID2 = 0x%x SRR1 = 0x%x Machine check was not DMA/locked cache related DMAErrorHandler(): An error occurred while processing DMA. The following errors have been detected and cleared : - Requested a locked cache tag that was already in the cache - DMA attempted to access normal cache - DMA missed in data cache - DMA queue overflowed L1 i-caches initialized L1 d-caches initialized L2 cache initialized Locked cache machine check handler installed ------------------------- Context 0x%08x ------------------------- r%-2d = 0x%08x (%14d) r%-2d = 0x%08x (%14d) LR = 0x%08x CR = 0x%08x SRR0 = 0x%08x SRR1 = 0x%08x GQRs---------- gqr%d = 0x%08x gqr%d = 0x%08x FPRs---------- fr%d = %d fr%d = %d PSFs---------- ps%d = 0x%x ps%d = 0x%x Address: Back Chain LR Save 0x%08x: 0x%08x 0x%08x FPU-unavailable handler installed in "%s" on line %d. Address: Back Chain LR Save 0x%08x: 0x%08x 0x%08x OSError.c OSSetErrorHandler(): unknown error. Non-recoverable Exception %d Unhandled Exception %d DSISR = 0x%08x DAR = 0x%08x TB = 0x%016llx Instruction at 0x%x (read from SRR0) attempted to access invalid address 0x%x (read from DAR) Attempted to fetch instruction from invalid address 0x%x (read from SRR0) Instruction at 0x%x (read from SRR0) attempted to access unaligned address 0x%x (read from DAR) Program exception : Possible illegal instruction/operation at or around 0x%x (read from SRR0) AI DMA Address = 0x%04x%04x ARAM DMA Address = 0x%04x%04x DI DMA Address = 0x%08x Last interrupt (%d): SRR0 = 0x%08x TB = 0x%016llx OSExec.c OSExec: Argument list is too long OSExec() or OSResetSystem(): Wrong apploader offset. Maybe converted by an older version of gcm2tgc. Use gcm2tgc v.1.20 or later. OSResetSystem(): old apploader 2004/02/01 security error(%d) has occurred OSFont.c Failed assertion encode <= OS_FONT_ENCODE_MAX Failed assertion font->sheetFormat == GX_TF_I4 Failed assertion (u32) fontData % 32 == 0 Failed assertion (u32) *image % 32 == 0 MEM_ADDRESS DSP_ARAM EXI_0_EXI EXI_0_TC EXI_0_EXT EXI_1_EXI EXI_1_TC EXI_1_EXT EXI_2_EXI EXI_2_TC PI_PE_TOKEN PI_PE_FINISH PI_ERROR PI_DEBUG /c@No Error Misaligned address for CPU request Incorrect transfer type (tt) from CPU Unsupported transfer size Address out of range Write to ROM address space Read from GX Fifo Reserved error code OSInterrupt.c __OSSetInterruptHandler(): OSInit() must be called in advance. __OSSetInterruptHandler(): unknown interrupt. __OSGetInterruptHandler(): OSInit() must be called in advance. __OSGetInterruptHandler(): unknown interrupt. PI ERROR PIESR = 0x%08x PIEAR = 0x%08x PI Error = %s Offending address = 0x%x (from PIEAR) Unhandled Interrupt(s): cause %08x intsr %08x OSMutex.c OSLockMutex(): current thread does not exist. OSLockMutex(): current thread is not running. OSLockMutex(): detected deadlock: current thread %p, mutex %p. OSUnlockMutex(): current thread does not exist. OSUnlockMutex(): current thread is not running. OSUnlockMutex(): current thread %p is not the owner of mutex %p. Failed assertion mutex->thread == thread OSReboot.c OSSetSaveRegion(): start address should be NULL or higher than 0x80700000 OSSetSaveRegion(): end address should be NULL or lower than 0x81200000 OSSetSaveRegion(): if either start or end is NULL, both should be NULL OSReset.c Failed assertion info->func Failed assertion rc __OSReturnToMenu(): Falied to boot system menu. OSResetSystem() is obsoleted. It doesn't work any longer. Failed assertion !Scb.locked Failed assertion Scb.sync Failed assertion Scb.locked Failed assertion length <= 1024 Failed assertion OS_VIDEO_MODE_NTSC <= mode && mode <= OS_VIDEO_MODE_MPAL OSThread.c Failed assertion PPCMfmsr() & MSR_FP Failed assertion !IsSuspended(thread->suspend) Failed assertion thread->state == OS_THREAD_STATE_READY Failed assertion OS_PRIORITY_MIN <= thread->priority && thread->priority <= OS_PRIORITY_MAX Failed assertion thread->queue == &RunQueue[thread->priority] Failed assertion thread->mutex->thread Failed assertion OS_PRIORITY_MIN <= priority && priority <= OS_PRIORITY_MAX Failed assertion nextThread->priority == priority OSCreateThread(): priority out of range (0 <= priority <= 31). OSCreateThread(): thread %p is still active. OSExitThread(): current thread does not exist. OSExitThread(): current thread is not running. OSExitThread(): current thread is not active. OSExitThread(): thread %p is not active. OSJoinThread(): thread %p is not active. OSDetachThread(): thread %p is not active. OSResumeThread(): thread %p is not active. OSResumeThread(): thread %p is terminated. Failed assertion thread->queue OSSuspendThread(): thread %p is not active. OSSuspendThread(): thread %p is terminated. OSSleepThread(): current thread does not exist. OSSleepThread(): current thread %p is not active. OSSleepThread(): current thread %p is not running. OSSleepThread(): current thread %p is suspended. Failed assertion __OSIsThreadActive(thread) Failed assertion thread->state != OS_THREAD_STATE_MORIBUND Failed assertion thread->queue == queue OSSetThreadPriority(): priority out of range (0 <= priority <= 31). OSSetThreadPriority(): thread %p is not active. OSSetThreadPriority(): thread %p is terminated. OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed RunQueue[prio].head != NULL && RunQueue[prio].tail != NULL in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed RunQueue[prio].head == NULL && RunQueue[prio].tail == NULL in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed CheckThreadQueue(&RunQueue[prio]) in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed __OSActiveThreadQueue.head == NULL || __OSActiveThreadQueue.head->linkActive.prev == NULL in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed __OSActiveThreadQueue.tail == NULL || __OSActiveThreadQueue.tail-> == NULL in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed thread-> == NULL || thread == thread->>linkActive.prev in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed thread->linkActive.prev == NULL || thread == thread->linkActive.prev-> in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed *(thread->stackEnd) == OS_THREAD_STACK_MAGIC in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed OS_PRIORITY_MIN <= thread->priority && thread->priority <= OS_PRIORITY_MAX+1 in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed 0 <= thread->suspend in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed CheckThreadQueue(&thread->queueJoin) in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed thread->queue == &RunQueue[thread->priority] in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed IsMember(&RunQueue[thread->priority], thread) in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed thread->priority == __OSGetEffectivePriority(thread) in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed !IsSuspended(thread->suspend) in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed thread->queue == NULL in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed thread->queue != NULL in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed CheckThreadQueue(thread->queue) in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed IsMember(thread->queue, thread) in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed thread->priority == 32 in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed !__OSCheckDeadLock(thread) in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed thread->queueMutex.head == NULL && thread->queueMutex.tail == NULL in %d OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed. unkown thread state (%d) of thread %p OSCheckActiveThreads: Failed __OSCheckMutexes(thread) in %d Failed assertion 0 <= index && index < OS_THREAD_SPECIFIC_MAX OOSTime.c Failed assertion 0 <= year Failed assertion 0 <= days Failed assertion 0 <= d Failed assertion 0 <= td->usec Failed assertion 0 <= td->msec Failed assertion ticks % OSSecondsToTicks(1) == 0 Failed assertion 0 <= OSTicksToSeconds(ticks) / 86400 + BIAS && OSTicksToSeconds(ticks) / 86400 + BIAS <= INT_MAX Failed assertion 0 <= secs Failed assertion (ov_mon <= 0 && 0 <= td->year + ov_mon) || (0 < ov_mon && td->year <= INT_MAX - ov_mon) & ! /dev/stm/immediate [OS] Note: STM is not included in the firmware. /dev/stm/eventhook OSStateTM.c Error: The firmware doesn't support shutdown feature. Error: The firmware doesn't support reboot feature. Error: The firmware doesn't support hot reset feature. Error on STM state event handler /title/00000001/00000002/data/play_rec.dat $H/title/00000001/00000002/data/state.dat Failed to register network shutdown function. %d Failed to suspend the WiiConnect24 scheduler. %d Failed to synchronize time with network resource managers. %d NWC24iPrepareShutdown /dev/net/kd/request NWC24SuspendScheduler NWC24ResumeScheduler NWC24iRequestShutdown NWC24Shutdown_: Give up! NWC24iSetRtcCounter_ /dev/net/kd/time %s() %s Firmware is still in progress. %s() %s (%d) IOS_Open failure. IOS_Close failure. IOS_CloseAsync failure. IOS_Ioctl failure. IOS_IoctlAsync failure. Illegal status. Unavailable from exception handler. /shared2/sys/NANDBOOTINFO OSNandbootInfo.c OSNandbootInfo needs 32 byte alignment. DBExceptionDestination MtxIdentity(): NULL Mtx 'm' MTXScale(): NULL MtxPtr 'm' MTXFrustum(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'm' MTXFrustum(): 't' and 'b' clipping planes are equal MTXFrustum(): 'l' and 'r' clipping planes are equal MTXFrustum(): 'n' and 'f' clipping planes are equal MTXPerspective(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'm' MTXPerspective(): 'fovY' out of range MTXPerspective(): 'aspect' is 0 MTXOrtho(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'm' MTXOrtho(): 't' and 'b' clipping planes are equal MTXOrtho(): 'l' and 'r' clipping planes are equal MTXOrtho(): 'n' and 'f' clipping planes are equal MTX44Identity(): NULL Mtx44 'm' MTX44Copy(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'src' MTX44Copy(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'dst' MTX44Concat(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'a' MTX44Concat(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'b' MTX44Concat(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'ab' MTX44Transpose(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'src' MTX44Transpose(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'xPose' MTX44Inverse(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'src' MTX44Inverse(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'inv' MTX44Trans(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'm' MTX44TransApply(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'src' MTX44Scale(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'm' MTX44ScaleApply(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'src' MTX44ScaleApply(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'dst' MTX44RotRad(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'm' MTX44RotTrig(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'm' MTX44RotTrig(): invalid 'axis' value MTX44RotAxisRad(): NULL Mtx44Ptr 'm' MTX44RotAxisRad(): NULL VecPtr 'axis' DVDConvertPathToEntrynum(): null pointer is specified DVDConvertEntrynumToPath(possibly DVDOpen or DVDChangeDir or DVDOpenDir): specified directory or file (%s) doesn't match standard 8.3 format. This is a temporary restriction and will be removed soon DVDFastOpen(): null pointer is specified to file info address DVDFastOpen(): specified entry number '%d' is out of range DVDFastOpen(): entry number '%d' is assigned to a directory DVDOpen(): null pointer is specified to file name DVDOpen(): null pointer is specified to file info address Warning: DVDOpen(): file '%s' was not found under %s. DVDOpen(): directory '%s' is specified as a filename DVDClose(): null pointer is specified to file info address DVDConvertEntrynumToPath: specified entrynum(%d) is out of range DVDConvertEntrynumToPath: maxlen should be more than 1 (%d is specified) DVDConvertEntrynumToPath: cannot convert an entry num for a file to path DVDGetCurrentDir: maxlen should be more than 1 (%d is specified) DVDChangeDir(): null pointer is specified to directory name DVDChangeDir(): directory '%s' is not found under %s DVDChangeDir(): file '%s' is specified as a directory name DVDReadAsync(): null pointer is specified to file info address DVDReadAsync(): null pointer is specified to addr DVDReadAsync(): address must be aligned with 32 byte boundaries DVDReadAsync(): length must be multiple of 32 byte DVDReadAsync(): offset must be multiple of 4 byte DVDReadAsync(): specified area is out of the file Failed assertion (void*) &fileInfo->cb == (void*) block DVDRead(): null pointer is specified to file info address DVDRead(): null pointer is specified to addr DVDRead(): address must be aligned with 32 byte boundaries DVDRead(): length must be multiple of 32 byte DVDRead(): offset must be multiple of 4 byte DVDRead(): specified area is out of the file DVDSeek(): null pointer is specified to file info address DVDSeek(): offset must be multiple of 4 byte DVDSeek(): offset is out of the file DVDFastOpenDir(): null pointer is specified to dir structure address DVDFastOpenDir(): specified entry number '%d' is out of range DVDFastOpenDir(): entry number '%d' is assigned to a file DVDOpendir(): null pointer is specified to directory name DVDOpenDir(): null pointer is specified to dir structure address Warning: DVDOpenDir(): file '%s' was not found under %s. DVDOpendir(): file '%s' is specified as a directory name DVDGetTransferredSize(): Illegal state (%d) << RVL_SDK - DVD debug build: Jan 9 2007 01:28:05 (0x4199_60831) >> Failed assertion ((u32)(bootInfo->FSTLocation) & (32 - 1)) == 0 DVDChangeDisk(): FST in the new disc is too big. Failed assertion (intType & DVD_INTTYPE_CVR) == 0 Failed assertion (intType & DVD_INTTYPE_DE) == 0 Failed assertion intType == DVD_INTTYPE_DE Failed assertion intType == DVD_INTTYPE_TC Failed assertion intType == DVD_INTTYPE_CVR Failed assertion immCount < sizeof(ImmCommand)/sizeof(ImmCommand[0]) Failed assertion dmaCount < sizeof(DmaCommand)/sizeof(DmaCommand[0]) DVD library: Specified command block (or file info) is already in use DVDReadAbsAsync(): null pointer is specified to command block address. DVDReadAbsAsync(): null pointer is specified to addr. DVDReadAbsAsync(): address must be aligned with 32 byte boundary. DVDReadAbsAsync(): length must be a multiple of 32. DVDReadAbsAsync(): command block is used for processing previous request. DVDSeekAbs(): null pointer is specified to command block address. DVDSeekAbs(): command block is used for processing previous request. DVDReadAbsAsyncForBS(): null pointer is specified to command block address. DVDReadAbsAsyncForBS(): null pointer is specified to addr. DVDReadAbsAsyncForBS(): address must be aligned with 32 byte boundary. DVDReadAbsAsyncForBS(): length must be a multiple of 32. DVDReadAbsAsyncForBS(): command block is used for processing previous request. DVDReadDiskID(): null pointer is specified to command block address. DVDReadDiskID(): null pointer is specified to id address. DVDReadDiskID(): id must be aligned with 32 byte boundary. DVDReadDiskID(): command block is used for processing previous request. DVDChangeDiskAsyncForBS(): null pointer is specified to command block address. DVDChangeDiskAsyncForBS(): command block is used for processing previous request. DVDChangeDisk(): null pointer is specified to command block address. DVDChangeDisk(): null pointer is specified to id address. DVDChangeDiskAsync(): You can't specify NULL to company name. DVDChangeDisk(): command block is used for processing previous request. DVDStopMotor(): Null address was specified for block DVDStopMotor(): command block is used for processing previous request. DVDInquiry(): Null address was specified for block DVDInquiry(): Null address was specified for info DVDInquiry(): Address for info is not 32 bytes aligned DVDGetCommandBlockStatus(): null pointer is specified to command block address. dvdqueue.c Failed assertion q->next != q /shared2/test2/dvderror.dat /shared2/test2 dvdidutils.c DVDCompareDiskID(): Specified id1 is NULL DVDCompareDiskID(): Specified id2 is NULL DVDCompareDiskID(): Specified game name for id1 is neither NULL nor 4 character long DVDCompareDiskID(): Specified company name for id1 is NULL DVDCompareDiskID(): Specified company name for id1 is not 2 character long DVDCompareDiskID(): Specified disk number for id1 is neither 0xff nor a BCD number DVDCompareDiskID(): Specified version number for id1 is neither 0xff nor a BCD number DVDCompareDiskID(): Specified game name for id2 is neither NULL nor 4 character long DVDCompareDiskID(): Specified company name for id2 is NULL DVDCompareDiskID(): Specified company name for id2 is not 2 character long DVDCompareDiskID(): Specified disk number for id2 is neither 0xff nor a BCD number DVDCompareDiskID(): Specified version number for id2 is neither 0xff nor a BCD number DVDGenerateDiskID(): Specified id is NULL DVDGenerateDiskID(): Specified game name is neither NULL nor 4 character long DVDGenerateDiskID(): Specified company name is NULL DVDGenerateDiskID(): Specified company name is not 2 character long DVDGenerateDiskID(): Specified disk number is neither 0xff nor a BCD number DVDGenerateDiskID(): Specified version number is neither 0xff nor a BCD number An error has occurred. Press the Eject Button, remove the Game Disc, and turn the power OFF. Please read the Wii Operations Manual for more information. Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. cke den Ausgabeknopf, entnimm die Game Disc und schalte die Wii-Konsole aus. Bitte lies die Bedienungsanleitung der Wii-Konsole, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. Une erreur est survenue. Appuyez sur le bouton EJECT, retirez le disque de jeu et teignez la console. Veuillez vous r rer au mode d'emploi de la console pour de plus amples informations. Se ha producido un error. Pulsa el Bot n EJECT, saca el disco y apaga la consola. Consulta el manual de instrucciones de la consola Wii para obtener m s informaci verificato un errore. Premi il pulsante EJECT, estrai il disco di gioco e spegni la console. Per maggiori informazioni consulta il manuale di istruzioni della console Wii. Er is een fout opgetreden. Druk op de ejectknop, verwijder de speldisk en zet het systeem uit. Lees de Wii-handleiding voor meer informatie. (ddrAllocAligned32) size is not a multiple of 32 !!! (ddrAllocAligned32) Not enough space to allocate %d bytes Allocation of diCommand blocks failed Allocation of pathBuf failed (doTransactionCallback) Error - context mangled! (doCoverCallback) Error - context mangled! IPCCltInit returned error: %d (DVDLowInit) Error: IOS_Open failed - pathname '/dev/di' does not exist (DVDLowInit) Error: IOS_Open failed - calling thread lacks permission (DVDLowInit) Error: IOS_Open failed - connection limit has been reached (DVDLowInit) IOS_Open failed, errorcode = %d @@@@@@ WARNING - Calling DVDLowReadDiskId with NULL ptr @@@ (DVDLowReadDiskID) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d (newContext) ERROR: freeDvdContext.inUse (#%d) is true (newContext) Now spinning in infinite loop (newContext) Something overwrote the context magic - spinning (DVDLowOpenPartition) eTicket memory is unaligned (DVDLowOpenPartition) certificates memory is unaligned @@@ (DVDLowOpenPartition) IOS_IoctlvAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowClosePartition) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowUnencryptedRead) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowStopMotor) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowWaitForCoverClose) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowInquiry) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowRequestError) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d (DVDLowSetSpinupFlag): Synch functions can't be called in callbacks @@@ (DVDLowNotifyReset) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowReset) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowAudioBufferConfig) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d (DVDLowGetCoverStatus): Synch functions can't be called in callbacks @@@ (DVDLowGetCoverStatus) IOS_Ioctl returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowReadDVD) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowReadDVDConfig) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowReadDvdCopyright) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowReadDvdPhysical) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowReadDvdDiscKey) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowReportKey) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowOffset) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowStopLaser) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowReadDiskBca) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowSerMeasControl) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowRequestDiscStatus) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowRequestRetryNumber) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowSetMaxRotation) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d (DVDLowRead): ERROR - destAddr buffer is not 32 byte aligned @@@ (DVDLowRead) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowSeek) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d (DVDLowGetCoverReg): Synch functions can't be called in callbacks @@@ (DVDLowGetCoverReg) IOS_Ioctl returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowPrepareCoverRegsiter) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowClearCoverInterrupt) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d @@@ (DVDLowEnableDvdVideo) IOS_IoctlAsync returned error: %d << RVL_SDK - VI debug build: Nov 30 2006 03:08:41 (0x4199_60831) >> Failed assertion FALSE Warning: VIFlush() was not called for 60 frames although VI settings were changed *************************************** ! ! ! C A U T I O N ! ! ! This TV format "DEBUG_PAL" is only for temporary solution until PAL DAC board is available. Please do NOT use this mode in real games!!! VIConfigure(): Odd number(%d) is specified to viHeight VIConfigure(): xfbHeight(%d) is not equal to viHeight(%d) when DF XFB mode or progressive mode is specified VIConfigure(): xfbHeight(%d) is not as twice as viHeight(%d) when SF XFB mode is specified VIConfigure(): Tried to change mode from (%d) to (%d), which is forbidden VIConfigure(): viXOrigin(%d) cannot be greater than %d in this TV mode VIConfigure(): viXOrigin + viWidth (%d) cannot be less than %d in this TV mode GX Internal: Register field out of range VIConfigurePan(): Odd number(%d) is specified to xOrg VIConfigurePan(): Odd number(%d) is specified to height when DF XFB mode VISetNextFrameBuffer(): Frame buffer address(0x%08x) is not 32byte aligned __VISetAdjustValues(): y offset should be an even number Failed assertion (y & 1) == 0 I@o@ P@v@ vi3in1.c Unkwon TV mode!! TV mode is set to NTSC mode. << RVL_SDK - PAD debug build: Nov 30 2006 03:08:35 (0x4199_60831) >> Failed assertion 0 <= ResettingChan && ResettingChan < SI_MAX_CHAN Failed assertion chan == ResettingChan Failed assertion 0 <= chan && chan < SI_MAX_CHAN Failed assertion (Type[chan] & SI_WIRELESS_CONT_MASK) == SI_WIRELESS_CONT && !(Type[chan] & SI_WIRELESS_LITE) Failed assertion !(error & SI_ERROR_BUSY) PADReset(): invalid mask PADControlAllMotors(): invalid command PADControlMotor(): invalid command Failed assertion !Initialized PADSetAnalogMode(): invalid mode << RVL_SDK - GX debug build: Nov 30 2006 03:07:30 (0x4199_60831) >> Level %1d, Warning %3d: %s GXInit.c GX Internal: Register field out of range GXInit: invalid TV format [GXOverflowHandler] GXFifo.c Failed assertion !GXOverflowSuspendInProgress [GXOverflowHandler Sleeping] [GXUnderflowHandler] Failed assertion GXOverflowSuspendInProgress GXInitFifoBase: base must be 32B aligned GXInitFifoBase: base pointer is NULL GXInitFifoBase: size must be 32B aligned GXInitFifoBase: fifo is not large enough GXInitFifoPtrs: readPtr not 32B aligned GXInitFifoPtrs: writePtr not 32B aligned GXInitFifoPtrs: readPtr not in fifo range GXInitFifoPtrs: writePtr not in fifo range GXInitFifoLimits: hiWatermark not 32B aligned GXInitFifoLimits: loWatermark not 32B aligned GXInitFifoLimits: hiWatermark too large GXInitFifoLimits: hiWatermark below lo watermark GXSetGPFifo/GXSetCPUFifo: mismatch of watermark parameter CPUFifo: %08X - %08X GP Fifo: %08X - %08X GXSetGPFifo/GXSetCPUFifo: invalid overlap of both buffers GX Internal: Register field out of range GXSetGPFifo: GX Fifo should be located on MEM1 memory region GXSetCurrentGXThread: Two threads cannot generate GX commands at the same time! 'GXRedirectWriteGatherPipe' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd Failed assertion OFFSET(ptr, 32) == 0 Failed assertion !IsWGPipeRedirected Failed assertion IsWGPipeRedirected GXAttr.c 'GXSetVtxDesc' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetVtxDesc: Invalid vertex attribute name GXSetVtxDesc: Invalid vertex attribute type GXSetVtxDesc: GX_VA_*MTXIDX accepts GX_NONE or GX_DIRECT only GX Internal: Register field out of range 'GXSetVtxDescv' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetVtxDescv: attrPtr is NULL 'GXGetVtxDesc' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd Y0'GXGetVtxDescv' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXClearVtxDesc' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetVtxAttrFmt' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetVtxAttrFmt: Format Index is out of range GXSetVtxAttrFmt: Invalid vertex attribute name GXSetVtxAttrFmt: Frac value is >= 32 'GXSetVtxAttrFmtv' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetVtxAttrFmt: list pointer is NULL 'GXGetVtxAttrFmt' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXGetVtxAttrFmtv' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetArray' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetArray: Invalid vertex attribute name 'GXInvalidateVtxCache' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetTexCoordGen' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetTexCoordGen: Invalid coordinate Id GXSetTexCoordGen: Invalid source parameter GXSetTexCoordGen: Bump source texture value is invalid GXSetTexCoordGen: Invalid function u,'GXSetNumTexGens' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXMisc.c GXSetMisc: Cannot change DL context setting while making a display list GXSetMisc: bad token %d (val %d) 'GXFlush' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetDrawSync' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GX Internal: Register field out of range 'GXSetDrawDone' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXWaitDrawDone' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXDrawDone' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXPixModeSync' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXTexModeSync' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd '__GXBypass' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXCompressZ16: Invalid Z format GXDecompressZ16: Invalid Z format GXGeometry.c GXBegin: Format Index is out of range GXBegin: called inside another GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetLineWidth' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GX Internal: Register field out of range GXGet*: invalid null pointer 'GXSetPointSize' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXEnableTexOffsets' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXEnableTexOffsets: Invalid coordinate Id 'GXSetCullMode' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetCoPlanar' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXFrameBuf.c 'GXSetDispCopySrc' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GX Internal: Register field out of range 'GXSetTexCopySrc' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetDispCopyDst: Width must be a multiple of 16 'GXSetDispCopyDst' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetTexCopyDst' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd %s: invalid texture format GXSetTexCopyDst 'GXSetDispCopyFrame2Field' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetCopyClamp' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXGetNumXfbLines: Vertical scale must be >= 1.0 GXGetYScaleFactor: Display copy only supports up to 1024 lines. GXGetYScaleFactor: EFB height should not be greater than XFB height. 'GXSetDispCopyYScale' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetDispCopyYScale: Vertical scale must be >= 1.0 'GXSetCopyClear' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetCopyClear: Z clear value is out of range 'GXSetCopyFilter' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetDispCopyGamma' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXCopyDisp' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXCopy: Have to set GX_CLAMP_TOP if source top == 0 GXCopy: Have to set GX_CLAMP_BOTTOM if source bottom > 528 GXCopy: Can not do clear while pixel type is Z GXCopy: Can not clear YUV framebuffer GXCopy: Source x is not multiple of 4 for YUV copy GXCopy: Source y is not multiple of 4 for YUV copy GXCopy: Source width is not multiple of 4 for YUV copy GXCopy: Source height is not multiple of 4 for YUV copy GXCopy: Source x is not multiple of 2 for RGB copy GXCopy: Source y is not multiple of 2 for RGB copy GXCopy: Source width is not multiple of 2 for RGB copy GXCopy: Source height is not multiple of 2 for RGB copy GXCopy: Display destination address not 32B aligned 'GXCopyTex' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXClearBoundingBox' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXLight.c Light Object Pointer is null 'GXInitLightAttn' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInitLightAttnA' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXGetLightAttnA' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInitLightAttnK' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXGetLightAttnK' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInitLightSpot' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInitLightDistAttn' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInitLightPos' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXGetLightPos' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInitSpecularDir' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInitSpecularHA' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInitLightColor' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXGetLightColor' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXLoadLightObjImm' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXLoadLightObjImm: Invalid Light Id 'GXLoadLightObjIndx' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXLoadLightObjIndx: Invalid Light Id GX Internal: Register field out of range 'GXSetChanAmbColor' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetChanAmbColor: Invalid Channel Id 'GXSetChanMatColor' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetChanMatColor: Invalid Channel Id 'GXSetNumChans' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetNumChans: nChans > 2 'GXSetChanCtrl' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetChanCtrl: Invalid Channel Id GXTexture.c %s: invalid texture format l%s: width too large GXGetTexBufferSize %s: height too large %s: width must be a power of 2 %s: height must be a power of 2 Texture Object Pointer is null 'GXInitTexObj' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXInitTexObj GX Internal: Register field out of range %s: %s pointer not aligned to 32B GXPreLoadEntireTexture 'GXInitTexObjCI' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInitTexObjLOD' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd %s: invalid mag_filt value GXInitTexObjLOD %s: invalid min_filt value 'GXInitTexObjData' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXInitTexObjData 'GXInitTexObjWrapMode' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInitTexObjTlut' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInitTexObjFilter' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXInitTexObjFilter 'GXInitTexObjMaxLOD' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInitTexObjMinLOD' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInitTexObjLODBias' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInitTexObjBiasClamp' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInitTexObjEdgeLOD' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInitTexObjMaxAniso' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInitTexObjUserData' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd TexRegion Object Pointer is null 'GXLoadTexObjPreLoaded' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd %s: invalid texture map ID GXLoadTexObj %s: Tex/Tlut Region Callback not set GXLoadTexObj/PreLoaded %s: Tex/Tlut Region Callback returns NULL 'GXLoadTexObj' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd TLut Object Pointer is null 'GXInitTlutObj' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd %s: number of entries exceeds maximum GXInitTlutObj 'GXLoadTlut' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXLoadTlut 'GXInitTexCacheRegion' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXInitTexCacheRegion tmem even tmem odd %s: Invalid %s size 'GXInitTexPreLoadRegion' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXInitTexPreLoadRegion size even size odd TLutRegion Object Pointer is null 'GXInitTlutRegion' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd %s: tmem pointer is not aligned to 512B GXInitTlutRegion %s: tlut size exceeds 16K 'GXInvalidateTexRegion' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXInvalidateTexAll' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXPreLoadEntireTexture' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXPreLoadEntireTexture: Even tmem size does not match the texture size GXPreLoadEntireTexture: Odd tmem size does not match the texture size 'GXSetTexCoordScaleManually' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd %s: bad texcoord specified GXSetTexCoordScaleManually 'GXSetTexCoordCylWrap' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetTexCoordCylWrap 'GXSetTexCoordBias' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetTexCoordBias GXBump.c 'GXInitIndTexture' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GX Internal: Register field out of range 'GXSetIndTexMtx' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetIndTexScale' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetIndTexCoordScale: Invalid Indirect Stage Id 'GXSetIndTexOrder' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetIndTexOrder: Invalid direct texture Id GXSetIndTexOrder: Invalid texture coord GXSetIndTexOrder: Invalid Indirect Stage Id 'GXSetNumIndStages' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetNumIndStages: Exceeds max. number of indirect texture stages 'GXSetTevDirect' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetTevIndWarp' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetTevIndTile' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetTevIndTile: Invalid tev stage id GXSetTevIndTile: Invalid indirect stage id GXSetTevIndTile: Invalid tilesize for S coordinate GXSetTevIndTile: Invalid tilesize for T coordinate 'GXSetTevIndBumpST' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetTevIndBumpST: Invalid matrix selection 'GXSetTevIndBumpXYZ' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetTevIndRepeat' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetTevOp' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetTevColor*: Invalid Tev Stage Index GXSetTevOp: Invalid Tev Mode 'GXSetTevColorIn' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetTev*In: A/B/C/D argument out of range GX Internal: Register field out of range 'GXSetTevAlphaIn' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetTevAlpha*: Invalid Tev Stage Index 'GXSetTevColorOp' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetTevAlphaOp' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetTevColor' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetTevColorS10: Color not in range -1024 to +1023 'GXSetTevColorS10' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetTevKColor' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetTevKColorSel' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetTevKColor*: Invalid Tev Stage Index 'GXSetTevKAlphaSel' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetTevSwapMode' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetTevSwapMode: Invalid Tev Stage Index 'GXSetTevSwapModeTable' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetTevSwapModeTable: Invalid Swap Selection Index GXSetTevClampMode: not available on this hardware 'GXSetAlphaCompare' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetZTexture' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetZTexture: Invalid z-texture format 'GXSetTevOrder' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetTevOrder: Invalid Tev Stage Index GXSetTevOrder: Invalid Texcoord GXSetTevOrder: Invalid Tex Map GXSetTevOrder: Invalid Color Channel ID 'GXSetNumTevStages' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetNumTevStages: Exceed max number of tex stages GXPixel.c 'GXSetFog' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetFog: The farz should be positive value GXSetFog: The farz should be larger than nearz GX Internal: Register field out of range 'GXInitFogAdjTable' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXInitFogAdjTable: table pointer is null GXInitFogAdjTable: invalid width value 'GXSetFogRangeAdj' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetFogRangeAdj: table pointer is null 'GXSetBlendMode' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetColorUpdate' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetAlphaUpdate' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetZMode' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetZCompLoc' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetPixelFmt' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd Invalid Pixel format 'GXSetDither' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetDstAlpha' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetFieldMask' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetFieldMode' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXTransform.c GXGet*: invalid null pointer 'GXSetProjection' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetProjectionv' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXLoadPosMtxImm' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXLoadPosMtxIndx' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GX Internal: Register field out of range 'GXLoadNrmMtxImm' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXLoadNrmMtxImm3x3' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXLoadNrmMtxIndx3x3' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetCurrentMtx' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXLoadTexMtxImm' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXLoadTexMtx: Invalid matrix type 'GXLoadTexMtxIndx' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetViewport' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetZScaleOffset' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd 'GXSetScissor' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetScissor: Left origin > 1708 GXSetScissor: top origin > 1708 GXSetScissor: right edge > 1708 GXSetScissor: bottom edge > 1708 'GXSetScissorBoxOffset' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetScissorBoxOffset: Invalid X offset GXSetScissorBoxOffset: Invalid Y offset 'GXSetClipMode' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd Invalid Vertex Format. Normal count must be set to %s. Texture size %ld not initialized. Left edge of scissor rectangle is less than %d. Top edge of scissor rectangle is less than %d. Right edge of scissor rectangle is greater than %d in %s mode. Bottom edge of scissor rectangle is greater than %d in %s mode. %s value for subsample %d in pixel %ld is not 6 when single-sampling. Indirect texture command for stage %ld is not set. Invalid indirect texture request in TEV stage %ld. Indirect matrix %ld requested in stage %d not set. Requested indirect textures never initialized. Indirect texture coordinate scales %d and %d not set. Invalid texture coordinate specified for indirect stage %d. Indirect texture feedback accumulation is on in TEV stage 0. Indirect bump alpha is enabled in TEV stage 0. Indirect vs. direct mask byte never set. Texture reference never written for TEV stage %ld. Invalid texture coordinate specified for TEV stage %ld. Texture %ld is used as both indirect and direct. Texture %ld not configured. Base pointer for cached texture %ld is not specified. TLUT for indexed texture %ld was never set up. %s is not a power of 2 for mipmapped texture %ld. %s is not GX_CLAMP for non-power-of-2 width in texture %ld. Minification filter for texture %ld is not compatible with color index texture format. Minimum LOD is greater than maximum LOD in texture %ld. Maximum LOD is greater than image's maximum LOD for texture %ld. LOD bias clamp shold be used with edge LOD for texture %ld. Texture %ld does not meet requirements for anisotropic mipmapping. Filters are not linear for field prediction in texture %ld. Incomplete rounding mode configuration for texture %ld. Rounding color indexed texture %ld. Environment for TEV stage %ld not fully set up. Invalid color channel selected in TEV stage %ld. Argument %s selects null texture in TEV color stage %ld. Argument %s selects null texture in TEV alpha stage %ld. Color arg %s in TEV stage %ld accesses register %s, which may be dirty. Alpha arg %s in TEV stage %ld accesses register %s, which may be dirty. Color arg %s in TEV stage %ld accesses register %s, which was last unclamped. Possible wrap-around effect. Alpha arg %s in TEV stage %ld accesses register %s, which was last unclamped. Possible wrap-around effect. Z texturing enabled, but no Z offset specified. Z texturing enabled, but no texture specified for final TEV stage. Final TEV stage doesn't write color to register GX_TEVPREV. Final TEV stage doesn't write alpha to register GX_TEVPREV. Final TEV color stage has no clamping. Possible color wrap-around effect. Final TEV alpha stage has no clamping. Possible alpha wrap-around effect. Z buffering is before texture, but alpha compare operation is active. PE blend and logicop are both on. Selected pixel format does not support dithering. Multisample enabled but pixel type is not RGB565. Pixel type is RGB565 but multisample is not enabled. Multisample locations for pixel %ld are not ordered correctly for antialias filter. Invalid texgen_type %d for texture %d. Register address 0x%04x uninitialized (%s). Register address 0x%04x modified (%s), probably should not be. Invalid combination of %d output color channels and %d color texgen textures. Number of color channels and number of texgens are both zero. Vertex packet does not contain position values. Mismatched argument setting in vertex attribute. %s should be used with %s. GXSetVtxAttrFmt: Normals only support signed types. GXSetVtxAttrFmt: Number of fractional bits is fixed for normals. %s uses %d. Your setting will be ignored. GXSetVtxAttrFmt: GX_F32 type doesn't refer the frac argument. Your setting will be ignored. GXSetVtxAttrFmt: Colors don't refer the frac argument. Your setting will be ignored. Invalid value (%d) for INVERTEXSPEC_REG.host_colors. XF is not expecting host normals but cp is sending them. XF is not expecting host normals, binormals and tangents but cp is sending them. XF is expecting host normals but cp is not sending them. XF is expecting host normals but cp is sending normals, binormals, and tangents. XF is expecting host normals, binormals and tangents but cp is only sending normals. This vertex format (Position + Matrix Indices only) is not supported. VCD for GX_VA_CLR1 is activated though GX_VA_CLR0 is set to GX_NONE. GX_VA_CLR0 should be used first. VCDs for input texture coordinates are not used sequentially from smaller IDs. GX_TEXCOORD%d specifies source row of position, but this is not getting sent. GX_TEXCOORD%d specifies source row of normal, but this is not getting sent. GX_TEXCOORD%d specifies source row of color0, but color0 is not getting sent. GX_TEXCOORD%d specifies source row of color1, but color1 is not getting sent. GX_TEXCOORD%d specifies source row of binormal or tangent, but this is not getting sent. GX_TEXCOORD%d specifies source row of input texture coordinate %d, but this is not getting sent. GX_TEXCOORD%d is specifying an invalid source row of %d. TexCoordGen types are out of order. GX_TG_MTX2x4/3x4 should come first (if any), followed by GX_TG_BUMP (if any), then GX_TG_SRTG (if any). Bumpmap texgen is defined, which requires that binormals and tangents be transformed by a normal matrix, but current matrix index is set to an invalid value (%d) for normal transform. GX_TEXCOORD%d (texgen type bumpmap) is referencing texture %d as a source texture, which is not of texgen type regular. GX_TEXCOORD%d (texgen type bumpmap) using light source %d, but light's %c position is not defined. GX_TEXCOORD%d is defined as texgen type bumpmap, but binormals and tangents are not getting sent. Invalid regular texture number (%d) Top edge of viewport (%f) is out of recommended range. It may cause incorrect clipping. Bottom edge of viewport (%f) is out of recommended range. It may cause incorrect clipping. Left edge of viewport (%f) is out of recommended range. It may cause incorrect clipping. Right edge of viewport (%f) is out of recommended range. It may cause incorrect clipping. Channel %s uses specular function (GX_AF_SPEC), but diffuse function is not GX_DF_NONE. Channel %d performs lighting which requires a normal, but this is not getting sent. Channel %d performs lighting which requires the normal to be transformed by a normal matrix, but current matrix index is (%d), which may be invalid. %s has a value of %sinfinity (%08x), which is probably not intended. %s has a value of NaN (%08x), which is probably not intended. %s has a value of (%f 0x%08x), which might be unintentionally small. %s has a value of (%f 0x%08x), which might be unintentionally large. %d regular textures active, but MatrixIndex1 register (0x%04x) uninitialized. gen_mode register not initialized. Number of XF output textures does not match what downstream units are expecting. Number of XF output colors does not match what downstream units are expecting. Number of all texgens (%d) > max allowed %d. Number of regular(2x4/3x4) type texgens (%d) > max allowed %d. Number of bumpmap type texgens (%d) > max allowed %d. Number of color texgens (%d) > max allowed %d. First color texgen is not referencing COLOR0. Color texgen from COLOR%d is used more than once. Bumpmap texgen is defined, which requires the normal matrix values pointed by current matrix index (%d) to be loaded, however it may not be loaded yet. GX_TEXCOORD%d requires the matrix values pointed by current texture matrix index %d (%d), however it may not be loaded yet. GX_LIGHT%d is being referenced, however it may not be loaded yet. Channel %d performs lighting which requires the normal matrix values pointed to by the current matrix index (%d), however these values may not be loaded yet. Position matrix values pointed to by the current matrix index must be loaded, however they may not be loaded yet. Address 0x%04x is uninitialized. Register (0x%04x) (%s) is not initialized. Display list contains invalid command. Nested display list. GXGetCPUFifo/GXGetGPFifo: GP FIFO read pointer is not idle. Value may be unstable.XF is not expecting host colors but cp is sending some. XF is expecting a host color but cp is not sending one. XF is expecting a single host color but cp is sending two. XF is expecting two host colors but cp is not sending first color. XF is expecting two host colors but cp is not sending second color. Invalid number of output colors, %d. Regular texture %d specifying a source row of %d which only has 2 elements, but an input form of ABC1. Output XF colors or color textures enabled, but register address 0x%04x uninitialized (%s). Output XF colors or color textures enabled, COLOR%dCNTRL_REG.material_src == REGISTER, but Material %d register (0x%04x) is not initialized. Output XF colors or color textures enabled, COLOR%dCNTRL_REG.ambient_src == REGISTER, but Ambient %d register (0x%04x) is not initialized. GX_NRM_XYZ GX_NRM_NBT or GX_NRM_NBT3 RGB format type GX_CLR_RGB RGBA format type GX_CLR_RGBA Light Color RGBA Cosine Attenuation A0 Cosine Attenuation A1 Cosine Attenuation A2 Distance Attenuation K0 Distance Attenuation K1 Distance Attenuation K2 X Light Position / Infinite Light X Direction Y Light Position / Infinite Light Y Direction Z Light Position / Infinite Light Z Direction X Light Direction / Half Angle X Component Y Light Direction / Half Angle Y Component Z Light Direction / Half Angle Z Component 4Color 0 control register Alpha 0 control register lColor 1 control register Alpha 1 control register @Geometry/Texture Matrix ram address 0x%04x Normal Matrix ram address 0x%04x Dual Texture Matrix ram address 0x%04x Light %d %s (address 0x%04x) Viewport Scale X Viewport Scale Y Viewport Scale Z Viewport Offset X Viewport Offset Y Viewport Offset Z Projection Matrix A Value Projection Matrix B Value Projection Matrix C Value Projection Matrix D Value Projection Matrix E Value Projection Matrix F Value Geometry & Textures [0-3] transform matrix indices Number of XF output textures Number of XF output colors InVertexSpec Viewport ScaleX Viewport ScaleY Viewport ScaleZ Viewport OffsetX Viewport OffsetY Viewport OffsetZ Projection matrix 'A' value Projection matrix 'B' value Projection matrix 'C' value Projection matrix 'D' value Projection matrix 'E' value Projection matrix 'F' value Projection matrix orthographic/perspective select Texture %d settings Internal error register Internal diagnostic register Internal state register 0 Internal state register 1 Power savings register RGB multisample GX_TEVPREV(color) GX_TEVPREV(alpha) GX_TEVREG0(color) GX_TEVREG0(alpha) GX_TEVREG1(color) GX_TEVREG1(alpha) GX_TEVREG2(color) GX_TEVREG2(alpha) GXPerf.c 'GXSetGPMetric' is not allowed between GXBegin/GXEnd GXSetGPMetric: Invalid GXPerf0 metric name GXSetGPMetric: Invalid GXPerf1 metric name The use of GX_PERF0_VERTICES is prohibited. Use GX_PERF1_VERTICES instead. << RVL_SDK - EXI debug build: Nov 30 2006 03:03:49 (0x4199_60831) >> EXIBios.c Failed assertion 0 <= chan && chan < MAX_CHAN Failed assertion exi->state & STATE_SELECTED Failed assertion 0 < len && len <= MAX_IMM Failed assertion type < MAX_TYPE Failed assertion OFFSET(buf, 32) == 0 Failed assertion 0 < len && OFFSET(len, 32) == 0 Failed assertion ((u32) len & ~EXI_0LENGTH_EXILENGTH_MASK) == 0 Failed assertion type == EXI_READ || type == EXI_WRITE Failed assertion !(exi->state & STATE_BUSY) Failed assertion 0 <= chan && chan < 2 Failed assertion chan == 0 && dev < MAX_DEV || dev == 0 Failed assertion freq < MAX_FREQ Failed assertion !(exi->state & STATE_SELECTED) Failed assertion chan == 0 && exi->items < (MAX_DEV - 1) || exi->items == 0 Failed assertion exi->items == 0 Memory Card 59 Memory Card 123 Memory Card 251 Memory Card 507 Memory Card 1019 Memory Card 2043 USB Adapter Net Card Artist Ether Broadband Adapter Stream Hanger IS-DOL-VIEWER << RVL_SDK - SI debug build: Nov 30 2006 03:08:37 (0x4199_60831) >> SIBios.c Failed assertion Si.chan != CHAN_NONE SITransfer(): invalid channel. SITransfer(): output size is out of range (must be 1 to 128). SITransfer(): input size is out of range (must be 1 to 128). Failed assertion (__SIRegs[SI_COMCSR_IDX] & (SI_COMCSR_TSTART_MASK | SI_COMCSR_TCINT_MASK)) == 0 SISetCommand(): invalid channel. SIGetCommand(): invalid channel. SISetXY(): x is out of range (8 <= x <= 1023). SISetXY(): y is out of range (0 <= y <= 255). SIEnablePolling(): invalid chan bit(s). Failed assertion en SIDisablePolling(): invalid chan bit(s). Failed assertion poll SIGetResponse(): invalid channel. Failed assertion 0 <= chan && chan < SI_MAX_CHAN Failed assertion packet->fire <= __OSGetSystemTime() Failed assertion (Type[chan] & 0xff) == SI_ERROR_BUSY Failed assertion i < SI_MAX_TYPE Failed assertion error == SI_ERROR_BUSY No response N64 controller N64 microphone N64 keyboard N64 mouse GameBoy Advance Standard controller Wireless receiver WaveBird controller Keyboard Steering SISamplingRate.c SISetSamplingRate(): out of rage (0 <= msec <= 11) SISetSamplingRate: unknown TV format. Use default. %2d[msec]: count %3d, line %3d, last %3d, diff0 %2d.%03d, diff1 %2d.%03d Failed assertion line * (count - 1) + LATENCY < 263 Failed assertion 636 * line < msec * 10000 Failed assertion 636 * (263 - line * (count - 1)) < msec * 10000 Failed assertion line * (count - 1) + LATENCY < 313 Failed assertion 640 * line < msec * 10000 Failed assertion 640 * (313 - line * (count - 1)) < msec * 10000 mem_heapCommon.c Failed assertion ListContainsHeap_( pList, pHeapHd ) [OS Foundation Failed assertion FALSE whole [%p - %p) [OS Foundation] dump heap : unknown heap. - %p Failed assertion type < MEM_HEAP_FILL_MAX [OS Foundation Exp Heap] Bad %s memory block address. - address %08X, heap area [%08X - %08X) [OS Foundation Exp Heap] Bad %s memory block address. - address %08X [OS Foundation Exp Heap] Bad %s memory block signature. - address %08X, signature %04X [OS Foundation Exp Heap] Too large %s memory block. - address %08X, block size %08X [OS Foundation Exp Heap] wrong size %s memory block. - address %08X, block size %08X [OS Foundation Exp Heap] Wrong link memory block. - address %08X, previous address %08X != %08X [OS Foundation Exp Heap] Wrong link memory block. - address %08X, next address %08X != %08X [OS Foundation Exp Heap] Wrong memory brock list %s pointer. - address %08X, %s address %08X != %08X mem_expHeap.c Failed assertion IsValidExpHeapHandle_(heap) attr address: size gid aln prev_ptr next_ptr (Used Blocks) NONE xxxxx %08x: -------- --- --- (-------- --------) abort %s %08x: %8d %3d %3d (%08x %08x) (Free Blocks) %d / %d bytes (%6.2f%%) used (U:%d F:%d) Failed assertion startAddress != NULL Failed assertion alignment % MIN_ALIGNMENT == 0 Failed assertion (abs(alignment) & (abs(alignment) - 1)) == 0 Failed assertion MIN_ALIGNMENT <= abs(alignment) Failed assertion IsValidUsedMBlock_(memBlock, heap) Failed assertion pHeapHd->heapStart <= memBlock && memBlock < pHeapHd->heapEnd Failed assertion groupID <= MAX_GROUPID Failed assertion visitor != NULL Failed assertion IsValidUsedMBlock_(memBlock, NULL) Failed assertion IsValidUsedMBlock_( memBlock, NULL ) [OS Foundation Exp Heap] Invalid heap handle. - %08X [OS Foundation Exp Heap] Incorrect total memory block size. - heap size %08X, sum size %08X mem_allocator.c Failed assertion pAllocator Failed assertion pAllocator && memBlock mem_list.c Failed assertion list != NULL Failed assertion object != NULL APP ERROR: Not enough IPC arena ipcMain.c Failed assertion IPCBufferLo <= newLo NULL pointer is detected. *info is NULL pointer! *buf is NULL pointer! Buffer must be 32 bytes aligned. Buffer length must be multiples of 32 bytes. Illegal whence parameter. NULL pointer is detected. NAND library internal error: bytes value must be illegal. NAND library internal error: inodes value must be illegal. NAND library internal error: length value must be illegal. NULL pointer detected. NAND library internal error. NANDOpenClose.c NULL pointer is detected. Access type is illegal. << RVL_SDK - NAND debug build: Nov 30 2006 03:09:48 (0x4199_60831) >> NANDCore.c null pointer is detected in argument of newpath null pointer is detected in argument of oldpath Head of path must be '/' . Null pointer detected! Null string was detected! Head of relative path must not be '/' . path must be absolute path. path must not be terminated with '/'. Head of 'wd' must be '/'. /shared2 /shared2/ CAUTION! Unexpected error code [%d] was found. Failed to set home directory. NANDGetCurrentDir NULL pointer is detected: %s() NANDGetHomeDir nandGetType NANDInitBanner Null pointer is detected at %s() << RVL_SDK - SC debug build: Nov 30 2006 03:09:52 (0x4199_60831) >> IPL.EULA IPL.SADR NET.CTPC NET.PROF NET.WCPC NET.WCFG "scsystem.c Failed assertion bufp != NULL Failed assertion ((u32)bufp & 0x1f) == 0 Failed assertion itemp != NULL Failed assertion data != NULL Failed assertion type != 0 getbuf: Size is zero getbuf: Size is too big Free - Buf Corrupted Freeing Linked Buf Bad Buf QId Sending to unknown dest Send - Buffer corrupted Send - buffer linked Enqueue - Buffer corrupted Eneueue - buf already linked Eneueue head - buf already linked GKI_get_buf_start:: bad addr Deleting bad pool gki_ppc.c Failed assertion gki_cb.os.int_index == 0 Failed assertion gki_cb.os.int_index > MAX_INT_STATE HCIS: Unable to allocate buffer for incoming HCI message. HCIS: Invalid length for incoming HCI message. HCISU_LOG: uusb_ReadIntrDataCB called HCISU_ERR: uusb_ReadIntrDataCB: usb_state != UUSB_PPC_OPENED_ST HCISU_ERR: ************ * uusb_ReadIntrDataCB(): usb_state != UUSB_PPC_OPENED_ST - stop reading ************ HCISU_ERR: uusb_ReadIntrDataCB(): Got Error code %d HCISU_LOG: uusb_ReadIntrDataCB: len(%d) offset (%d) cp_len(%d) data = HCISU_ERR: uusb_readBulkDataCB: usb_state != UUSB_PPC_OPENED_ST HCISU_ERR: **** * uusb_readBulkDataCB(): usb_state != UUSB_PPC_OPENED_ST - stop reading **** HCISU_ERR: uusb_ReadBulkDataCB(): Got Error code %d HCISU_LOG: uusb_ReadBulkDataCB: len(%d) offset(%d) cp_len(%d) data = HCISU_ERR: **** * uusb_issue_bulk_read(): unable to get buffer - try again **** HCISU_ERR: uusb_issue_bulk_read: IUSB_ReadBlkMsgAsync failed with err = %d HCISU_ERR: **** * uusb_issue_bulk_read: IUSB_ReadBlkMsgAsync failed with err = %d **** HCISU_ERR: **** * uusb_issue_intr_read(): unable to get buffer - try again **** HCISU_ERR: IUSB_ReadIntrMsgAsync failed with err = %d HCISU_ERR: **** * uusb_issue_intr_read(): IUSB_ReadIntrMsgAsync failed with err = %d **** HCISU_LOG: uusb_WriteCtrlDataCB called with err = %d HCISU_ERR: uusb_WriteCtrlDataCB(): Got error (%d) HCISU_ERR: uusb_WriteCtrlDataCB(): error - unable to write data packet HCISU_LOG: uusb_WriteBulkDataCB called with err = %d HCISU_ERR: uusb_WriteBulkDataCB(): Got error (%d) HCISU_ERR: uusb_WriteBulkDataCB(): error - unable to write data packet HCISU_ERR: ERROR from IUSB_OpenDeviceIds (%d) : Device (vendor 0x%x product 0x%x) not found HCISU_ERR: No suitable Bluetooth Device was found. Exiting... HCISU_ERR: UUSB_Register: ERROR - failed IPCCltInit HCISU_ERR: UUSB_Register: ERROR - failed IUSB_OpenLib HCISU_ERR: UUSB_Register: Error returned from get_devId() HCISU_LOG: UUSB_Register: uusb_get_dev_id returned with usb.devId = %d HCISU_LOG: UUSB_Register: Unable to create memory pools HCISU_LOG: UUSB_Register: hci_cmd_usb_pool_id (%d) hci_acl_usb_pool_id(%d) HCISU_LOG: UUSB_Open: USB is not in registered state, unable to open HCISU_LOG: UUSB_Open: USB Buffer Pool's Invalid HCISU_LOG: UUSB_Open: hci_cmd_usb_pool_id = %d HCISU_LOG: UUSB_Open: hci_acl_usb_pool_id = %d HCISU_ERR: UUSB_Write: usb_state != UUSB_PPC_OPENED_ST HCISU_LOG: buffer size = %d HCISU_LOG: UUSB_Write: ep(%d) len(%d) data = HCISU_ERR: UUSB_Write: Unable to get buffer from hci_cmd_usb_pool HCISU_ERR: UUSB_WRITE(): Ctrl Queue count = %d HCISU_ERR: ************************************************************************************* HCISU_ERR: * UUSB_Write(): IUSB_WriteCtrlMsgAsync error... (%d), writes outstanding (%d) HCISU_ERR: * UUSB_Write(): IUSB_WriteCtrlMsgAsync error... IOS_ERROR_FAIL_ALLOC (%d), writes outstanding (%d) HCISU_ERR: * UUSB_Write(): IUSB_WriteCtrlMsgAsync error... IOS_ERROR_QFULL (%d), writes outstanding (%d) HCISU_ERR: UUSB_Write: Unable to get buffer from hci_acl_usb_pool HCISU_ERR: UUSB_Write - writing mem data HCISU_ERR: UUSB_WRITE(): Bulk Queue count = %d HCISU_ERR: * UUSB_Write(): IUSB_WriteBlkMsgAsync error... (%d), writes outstanding (%d) HCISU_ERR: * UUSB_Write(): IUSB_WriteBlkMsgAsync error... IOS_ERROR_FAIL_ALLOC (%d), writes outstanding (%d) HCISU_ERR: * UUSB_Write(): IUSB_WriteBlkMsgAsync error... IOS_ERROR_QFULL (%d), writes outstanding (%d) BTUInterruptHandler: Warning BTU consumes %d microseconds BTU Task got msg in MBOX0 BTU Task got msg in MBOX2 BTA got event 0x%x BTA got unregistered event id %d bta_dm_disable_timer_cback bta_dm_search_timer_cback bta_dm_pin_cback() -> Failed to start Remote Name Request timer stopped bta_dm_l2cap_server_compress_cback, BTA ID %d bta_dm_compress_cback open app_id %d, BTA id %d, state %d bta_dm_compress_cback close app_id %d, BTA id %d, state %d bta_dm_act no more connected service cbs bta_dm_act no more pm timers bta_hh_sdp_cback: p_cb: %d result 0x%02x, attr_mask 0x%02x bta_hh_start_sdp:: skip SDP for known devices bta_hh_start_sdp: HID_HostGetSDPRecord failed: Status 0x%2X bta_hh_sdp_cmpl: status 0x%2X bta_hh_sdp_cmpl: HID_HostOpenDev failed: Status 0x%2X bta_hh_open_act: Device[%d] connected HANDSHAKE received for: event = %s data= %d unknown transaction type Ctrl DATA received w4: event[%s] invalid transaction type for DATA payload: 4_evt[%s] invalid command HID_HostWriteDev Error %d bta_hh_write_dev_act:: cmd type = %d bta_hh_cback::HID_event [%s] BTA_HH_GET_RPT_EVT BTA_HH_SET_RPT_EVT BTA_HH_GET_PROTO_EVT BTA_HH_SET_PROTO_EVT BTA_HH_GET_IDLE_EVT BTA_HH_SET_IDLE_EVT BTA_HH_OPEN_EVT Unknown event hHID_HDEV_EVT_OPEN HID_HDEV_EVT_CLOSE HID_HDEV_EVT_RETRYING HID_HDEV_EVT_INTR_DATA HID_HDEV_EVT_INTR_DATC HID_HDEV_EVT_CTRL_DATA HID_HDEV_EVT_CTRL_DATC HID_HDEV_EVT_HANDSHAKE HID_HDEV_EVT_VC_UNPLUG Unknown HID event No resource to send HID host Connect request. wrong device handle: [%d] bta_hh_sm_execute: State 0x%02x [%s], Event [%s] HH State Change: [%s] -> [%s] after Event [%s] bta_hh_hdl_event:: handle = %d dev_cb[%d] BTA_HH_API_DISABLE_EVT BTA_HH_API_ENABLE_EVT BTA_HH_API_OPEN_EVT BTA_HH_API_CLOSE_EVT BTA_HH_INT_OPEN_EVT BTA_HH_INT_CLOSE_EVT BTA_HH_INT_HANDSK_EVT BTA_HH_INT_DATA_EVT BTA_HH_INT_CTRL_DATA BTA_HH_API_WRITE_DEV_EVT BTA_HH_SDP_CMPL_EVT BTA_HH_DISC_CMPL_EVT BTA_HH_API_MAINT_DEV_EVT BTA_HH_API_GET_DSCP_EVT BTA_HH_OPEN_CMPL_EVT BTA_HH_API_GET_ACL_Q_EVT unknown HID Host event code `BTA_HH_NULL_ST BTA_HH_IDLE_ST BTA_HH_W4_CONN_ST BTA_HH_CONN_ST unknown HID Host state found kdev_cb[%d] hid_handle = %d in_use ? [%d] kdev[%d].hid_handle = %d state = [%d] bta_hh_find_cb:: index = %d while max = %d subclass = 0x%2x bta_hh_parse_keybd_rpt: (report=%p, report_len=%d) called Alt key pressed Alt key not pressed this_char = %02x BTA_HhParseKeybdRpt: Cannot interpret scan code 0x%02x bta_hh_parse_mice_rpt: bta_keybd_rpt_rcvd(report=%p, report_len=%d) called mice button: 0x%2x mice move: x = %d y = %d bta_hh_trace_dev_db:: Device DB list******************** kdev[%d] in_use[%d] handle[%d] attr_mask[%04x] state [%d] sub_class[%02x] index = %d ********************************************************* Duplicate btm_acl_created: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x Role change request declined since the previous request for this device is not completed BTM_SetLinkPolicy switch not supported (settings: 0x%04x) BTM_SetLinkPolicy hold not supported (settings: 0x%04x) BTM_SetLinkPolicy sniff not supported (settings: 0x%04x) BTM_SetLinkPolicy park not supported (settings: 0x%04x) BTM_ReadLinkPolicy: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x BTM_ReadClockOffset: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x Role Switch Event: new_role 0x%02x, HCI Status 0x%02x SetPacketType Mask -> 0x%04x BTM_SetQoS: BdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x BTM: p_flow->delay_variation: 0x%02x BTM_ReadRSSI: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x BTM_ReadLinkQuality: RemBdAddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x BTM RSSI Complete: rssi %d, hci status 0x%02x BTM Link Quality Complete: Link Quality %d, hci status 0x%02x btm BEFORE SCO setting to 1 slot; hci hdl 0x%x btm last SCO removed; unsniffing hci hdl 0x%x btm last SCO removed; hci hdl 0x%x, types 0x%02x BTM_SetAfhChannels first: %d (%d) last: %d (%d) btm_reset_complete Local supported ACL packet types: 0x%04x Local supported SCO packet types: 0x%04x BTM: BTM_VendorSpecificCommand: Opcode: 0x%04X, ParamLen: %i. BTM: Unable to send vendor specific command (controller is busy). BTM Event: Received a vendor specific event from controller BTM: BTM_WritePageTimeout: Timeout: %d. BTM: BTM_EnableTestMode BTM: BTM_ReadStoredLinkKey: Read_All: %s BTM: BTM_WriteStoredLinkKey: num_keys: %d BTM: BTM_DeleteStoredLinkKey: delete_all_flag: %s BTM_SetDiscoverability: mode %d [NonDisc-0, Lim-1, Gen-2], window 0x%04x, interval 0x%04x BTM_SetConnectability: mode %d [NonConn-0, Conn-1], window 0x%04x, interval 0x%04x BTM_CancelInquiry called BTM_StartInquiry: mode: %d, dur: %d, rsps: %d, flt: %d BTM_ReadRemoteDeviceName: bd addr [%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x] BTM_CancelRemoteDeviceName() BTM_InqDbRead: bd addr [%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x] BTM Warning: Set Event Filter Failed (HCI returned 0x%x) BTM Inq Compl Callback: status 0x%02x, num results %d btm mode change AFTER unsniffing; hci hdl 0x%x, types 0x%02x btm_esco_conn_rsp -> No Resources txbw 0x%x, rxbw 0x%x, lat 0x%x, voice 0x%x, retrans 0x%02x, pkt 0x%04x btm_sco_chk_pend_unpark -> (e)SCO Link for ACL handle 0x%04x, Desired Type %d btm_sco_conn_req: No one wants this SCO connection; rejecting it BTM_ChangeEScoLinkParms -> SCO Link for handle 0x%04x, pkt 0x%04x BTM_ChangeEScoLinkParms -> eSCO Link for handle 0x%04x btm_esco_proc_conn_chg -> handle 0x%04x, status 0x%02x BTM_Sec: application registered BTM_SetSecurityMode: mode:%d BTM_SetSecurityMode: Authen Enable -> FALSE BTM_SetSecurityMode: Authen Enable -> TRUE BTM_SetPinType: pin type %d [variable-0, fixed-1], code %s, length %d BTM_SEC_REG[%d]: id %d, is_orig %d, psm 0x%04x, proto_id %d, chan_id %d : sec: 0x%x, service name [%s] (up to %d chars saved) BTM_SEC_REG: Out of Service Records (%d) Security Manager: Attempting Authorization of Unknown Device Address [%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x] Security Manager: authorized status:%d State:%d BTM_SecBond BDA: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x BTM_SecBond: Illegal Pin len:%d BTM_SecBond: no device block BTM_SecBond -> Already Paired BTM_SecBond: Authen Enable -> TRUE BTM_SecBond: no buffer Security Manager: BTM_SetEncryption not connected Security Manager: BTM_SetEncryption already encrypted Security Manager: BTM_SetEncryption busy Security Manager: BTM_SetEncryption Handle:%d State:%d Flags:0x%x Required:0x%x Security Manager: l2cap_access_req PSM:%d no resources Security Manager: l2cap_access_req PSM:%d no application registerd Security Manager: l2cap_access_req PSM:%d postponed for multiplexer Security Manager: l2cap_access_req PSM:%d Handle:%d State:%d Flags:0x%x Required:0x%x Security Manager: trusted:0x%04x%04x Flags:0x%x Security Manager: MX service not found PSM:%d Proto:%d SCN:%d Security Manager: connect request from not paired device Security Manager: rmt_name_complete status:%d State:%d Security Manager: auth_complete status:%d State:%d Security Manager: mkey comp status:%d State:%d Security Manager: encrypt_change status:%d State:%d Security Manager: btm_sec_connected handle:%d status:%d enc_mode:%d btm_sec_link_key_notification() BDA: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x TYPE: %d btm_sec_link_key_request() BDA: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x btm_sec_pin_code_request_timeout() btm_sec_pin_code_request() BDA: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x btm_sec_pin_code_request bonding sending reply btm_sec_pin_code_request: Authen Enable -> %d btm_sec_pin_code_request(): Pairing disabled:%d; PIN callback:%x, Dev Rec:%x! btm_sec_execute_procedure: Required:0x%x Flags:0x%x State:%d L2CAP - no LCB for L2CA_conn_req Security Manager: Start get name Security Manager: Start authentication Security Manager: Start encryption Security Manager: Start authorization Security Manager: trusted:0x%04x%04x Security Manager: access granted btm_sec_collision_timeout() btm_restore_mode: Authen Enable -> %d Event mismatch opcode=%X cmd opcode=%X Cmd timeout; no cmd in queue BTU HCI command timeout - cmd opcode = 0x%02x Ctlr H/w error event WARNING: GAP Conn Indication for Unexpected Bd Addr...Disconnecting GAP_CONN - Rcvd L2CAP conn ind, CID: 0x%x GAP_CONN - Rcvd L2CAP disc, CID: 0x%x GAP_CONN - Rcvd L2CAP Is Congested (%d), CID: 0x%x GAP Inquiry Complete Event (Status 0x%04x, Result(s) %d) GAP Discovery Complete Event(SDP Result: 0x%04x) GAP Discovery Successfully Completed GAP Remote Name Complete Event (status 0x%04x) GAP Inquiry Results Callback (bdaddr [%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x]) (COD [%02x%02x%02x], clkoff 0x%04x) GAP: FindAddrByName Rem Name Cmpl Evt (Status 0x%04x, Name [%s]) GAP: FindAddrByName Rem Name Cmpl Evt (Status 0x%04x) GAP: FindAddrByName Inq Cmpl Evt (Status 0x%04x, Result(s) %d) HID - Originate started HID - Originate failed hidd_proc_repage_timeout HID_ERR_NOT_REGISTERED HID_ERR_INVALID_PARAM HID_ERR_NO_CONNECTION dev_handle %d Security Registration 1 failed Security Registration 2 failed Security Registration 3 failed Security Registration 4 failed Security Registration 5 failed Security Registration 6 failed HID Control Registration failed HID Interrupt Registration failed HID - disconnect HID - Rcvd L2CAP conn ind, PSM: 0x%04x CID 0x%x HID - Rcvd INTR L2CAP conn ind, but no CTL channel HID - Rcvd INTR L2CAP conn ind, wrong state: %d HID - Rcvd CTL L2CAP conn ind, wrong state: %d HID - Rcvd L2CAP conn ind, sent config req, PSM: 0x%04x CID 0x%x HID - Originator security pass. HID - INTR Originate failed HID - Rcvd unexpected conn cnf, CID 0x%x HID - got CTRL conn cnf, sent cfg req, CID: 0x%x HID - Rcvd L2CAP cfg ind, unknown CID: 0x%x HID - Rcvd cfg ind, sent cfg cfm, CID: 0x%x HID - Rcvd cfg cfm, CID: 0x%x Result: %d HID - Rcvd L2CAP disc, unknown CID: 0x%x HID - Rcvd L2CAP disc, CID: 0x%x HID - Rcvd L2CAP disc cfm, unknown CID: 0x%x HID - Rcvd L2CAP disc cfm, CID: 0x%x HID - Rcvd L2CAP congestion status, unknown CID: 0x%x HID - Rcvd L2CAP congestion status, CID: 0x%x Cong: %d HID - Rcvd L2CAP data, unknown CID: 0x%x HID - Originate failed L2CAP - L2CA_Register() called for PSM: 0x%04x L2CAP - no cb registering PSM: 0x%04x L2CAP - invalid PSM value, PSM: 0x%04x L2CAP - no RCB available, PSM: 0x%04x L2CAP - L2CA_Deregister() called for PSM: 0x%04x L2CAP - PSM: 0x%04x not found for deregistration L2CA_ConnectReq() PSM: 0x%04x L2CA_ConnectReq() BDA: %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x L2CAP connect req - BTU not ready L2CAP - no RCB for L2CA_conn_req, PSM: 0x%04x L2CAP - no LCB for L2CA_conn_req L2CAP API - L2CA_conn_req rejected - link disconnecting L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_conn_req L2CAP - L2CA_conn_req() returned CID: 0x%04x L2CA_ConnectRsp() CID: 0x%04x Result: %d Status: %d L2CA_ConnectRsp() BDA: %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x L2CAP - no LCB for L2CA_conn_rsp L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_conn_rsp L2CAP - bad id in L2CA_conn_rsp. Exp: %d Got: %d L2CA_ConfigReq() CID: 0x%04x L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_cfg_req, CID: %d L2CA_ConfigRsp() CID: 0x%04x Result: %d L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_cfg_rsp, CID: %d L2CA_DisconnectReq() CID: 0x%04x L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_disc_req, CID: %d L2CA_DisconnectRsp() CID: 0x%04x L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_disc_rsp, CID: %d L2CA_DataWrite() CID: 0x%04x Len: %d L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_DataWrite, CID: %d L2CAP - cannot send message bigger than peer's mtu size L2CA_Ping() BDA: %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x L2CAP - no LCB for L2CA_ping L2CAP - rejected second L2CA_ping L2CAP - L2CA_ping rejected - link disconnecting L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_SetIdleTimeout, CID: %d L2CA_SetAclPriority() bdaddr: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x L2CAP - no LCB for L2CA_SetAclPriority L2CA_SetCompression() local cid %d, direction %d, pe_type %d, mem_level %d, wbits %d, enable %d L2CAP - no CCB for L2CA_Flush, CID: %d L2CA_Flush() CID: 0x%04x flushed %d buffers L2CA_GetNumQueuedBufs() CID: 0x%04x abmormally returning 0 L2CA_GetNumQueuedBufs() CID: 0x%04x returning %d L2CAP - st: CLOSED evt: %d L2CAP - Calling Disconnect_Ind_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x No Conf Needed L2CAP - Calling ConnectCfm_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x Status: %d & L2CAP - st: ORIG_W4_SEC_COMP evt: %d L2CAP - st: TERM_W4_SEC_COMP evt: %d L2CAP - Calling Connect_Ind_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x )@L2CAP - st: W4_L2CAP_CON_RSP evt: %d L2CAP - Calling Connect_Cfm_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Success L2CAP - Calling Connect_Pnd_Cb() L2CAP - Calling Connect_Cfm_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Failure Code: %d L2CAP - Calling Connect_Cfm_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Timeout L2CAP - st: W4_L2CA_CON_RSP evt: %d -\L2CAP - st: CONFIG evt: %d L2CAP - Calling Config_Req_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x L2CAP - Calling Config_Rsp_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x L2CAP - Calling Config_Rsp_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Failure: %d L2CAP - Calling Disconnect_Ind_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x Conf Needed L2CAP - Calling DataInd_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x L2CAP - st: OPEN evt: %d 40L2CAP - st: W4_L2CAP_DISC_RSP evt: %d L2CAP - Calling DisconnectCfm_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x 6 L2CAP - st: W4_L2CA_DISC_RSP evt: %d 7dL2CAP - cannot send buffer, offset: %d L2CAP failed to allocate LCB L2CAP got conn_req while connected L2CAP got conn_comp for unknown BD_ADDR L2CAP got conn_comp in bad state: %d status: 0x%d L2CAP got sec_comp for unknown BD_ADDR L2CAP - ping timeout L2CAP - Congested(), CID: 0x%04x, Congested L2CAP - Calling CongestionStatus_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Congested !!! L2CAP - buffer dropped L2CAP - Calling CongestionStatus_Cb(), CID: 0x%04x, Uncongested LCB %d Priority:%d XmitWindow:%d Congestion Start:%d End:%d Discard:%d L2CAP - dropping incomplete pkt L2CAP - dropping too long pkt L2CAP - rcvd segment complete, unknown handle: %d L2CAP - expected pkt start, got: %d L2CAP - holding ACL for unknown handle:%d ls:%d cid:%d opcode:%d cur count:%d L2CAP - unknown CID: %d L2CAP - got incorrect hci header L2CAP - bad length in pkt. Exp: %d Act: %d GOT CONNECTIONLESS DATA PSM:%d Command len bad pkt_len: %d cmd_len: %d code: %d L2CAP - MTU rej Handle: %d MTU: %d L2CAP - rej with CID invalid, LCID: %d RCID: %d L2CAP - rcvd conn req for unknown PSM: %d L2CAP - unable to allocate CCB L2CAP - no CCB for conn rsp, LCID: %d RCID: %d L2CAP - con rsp - bad ID. Exp: %d Got: %d L2CAP - cfg rsp - bad ID. Exp: %d Got: %d L2CAP - rcvd cfg rsp for unknown CID: %d L2CAP - bad cmd code: %d L2CAP HOLD CONTINUE L2CAP HOLD TIMEOUT L2CAP - no buffer cmd_rej L2CAP - no buffer for conn_req L2CAP - no buffer for cfg_rej L2CAP - no buffer for echo_req l2cu_create_conn - btm_is_sco_active_by_bdaddr() is_sco_active = %s L2CAP - no buffer for l2cu_create_conn port_open_continue port_open_continue no mx channel PORT_StartCnf result:%d PORT_StartCnf failed result:%d PORT_StartInd PORT_ParNegInd dlci:%d mtu:%d PORT_ParNegInd: port not found PORT_ParNegCnf dlci:%d mtu:%d cl: %d k: %d PORT_DlcEstablishInd dlci:%d mtu:%d PORT_DlcEstablishCnf dlci:%d mtu:%d result:%d PORT_PortNegInd PORT_PortNegCnf PORT_PortNegCnf no port PORT_PortNegCnf Control Already sent PORT_ControlInd PORT_ControlInd DTR_DSR : %d, RTS_CTS : %d, RI : %d, DCD : %d PORT_ControlCnf PORT_LineStatusInd PORT_DlcReleaseInd PORT_CloseInd Port_TimeOutCloseMux PORT_DataInd with data length %d PORT_DataInd. Buffer over run. Dropping the buffer PORT_FlowInd fc:%d Sending RFCOMM_DataReq port_rfc_closed in OPENING state ignored port_rfc_closed state:%d sending events:%x port_select_mtu bad packet size port_select_mtu selected %d based on connection speed port_select_mtu selected %d based on l2cap PDU size port_select_mtu application selected %d port_select_mtu credit_rx_max %d, credit_rx_low %d, rx_buf_critical %d rfc_port_closed DONE PORT_DataInd Data reached HW. Sending FC set. RFCOMM_ConnectCnf LCID:0x%x RFCOMM_ConfigInd LCID:0x%x RFCOMM_ConfigCnf LCID:0x%x RFCOMM_DisconnectInd LCID:0x%x RFCOMM_BufDataInd LCID:0x%x RFCOMM_CongestionStatusInd dropped LCID:0x%x RFCOMM_CongestionStatusInd LCID:0x%x rfc_find_lcid_mcb LCID:0x%x rfc_find_lcid_mcb LCID reused LCID:0x%x current:0x%x ,rfc_mx_sm_state_idle - evt:%d Mx error state %d event %d RFCOMM MX ignored - evt:%d in state:%d (rfc_mx_sm_state_wait_conn_cnf - evt:%d rfc_mx_sm_state_configure - evt:%d rfc_mx_sm_sabme_wait_ua - evt:%d rfc_mx_sm_state_wait_sabme - evt:%d rfc_mx_sm_state_connected - evt:%d 0rfc_mx_sm_state_disc_wait_ua - evt:%d rfc_mx_send_config_req rfc_mx_conf_cnf p_cfg:%08x res:%d rfc_mx_conf_ind p_cfg:%0x NULL port event %d Port error state %d event %d Port state closed Event ignored %d Port state sabme_wait_ua Event ignored %d tPort error state Term Wait Sec event Data Port state term_wait_sec_check Event ignored %d Port error state Orig Wait Sec event Data Port state orig_wait_sec_check Event ignored %d Port state opened Event ignored %d Port state disc_wait_ua Event ignored %d ***** MX PN while disconnecting ***** Bad Length1: %d Bad Length2 %d %d Bad SABME Bad DISC Bad UIH - invalid DLCI Bad UIH - FCS Bad UIH - response Illegal MX Frame ea:%d len:%d Bad MX frame Bad PN frame Bad MSC frame Bad RPN frame rfc_timer_start - timeout:%d rfc_timer_stop rfc_port_timer_start - timeout:%d rfc_port_timer_stop rfc_port_closed rfc_inc_credit:%d SDP_InitDiscoveryDb Illegal param: p_db 0x%x, len %d, num_uuid %d, num_attr %d SDP_AddAttribute: attr_len:%d too long. truncate to (%d) SDP_AddUuidSequence - too long, add %d uuids of %d Deleting attr_id 0x%04x for handle 0x%x SDP - Unexp. PDU: %d in state: %d SDP - Rcvd ServiceSearchRsp, no matches SDP - Wrong type: 0x%02x in attr_rsp SDP - Bad len in attr_rsp %d SDP - DB full SDP - Bad type: 0x%02x or len: %d in attr_rsp SDP - attr nesting too deep SDP - bad len in UUID attr: %d SDP - bad len in boolean attr: %d Service Discovery Security Registration Server failed Security Registration for Client failed SDP Registration failed SDP - Rcvd L2CAP conn ind, sent config req, CID 0x%x SDP - Rcvd conn cnf for unknown CID 0x%x SDP - got conn cnf, sent cfg req, CID: 0x%x SDP - Rcvd conn cnf with error: 0x%x CID 0x%x SDP - Rcvd L2CAP cfg ind, unknown CID: 0x%x SDP - Rcvd cfg ind, sent cfg cfm, CID: 0x%x SDP - Rcvd cfg cfm, CID: 0x%x Result: %d SDP - Rcvd L2CAP disc, unknown CID: 0x%x SDP - Rcvd L2CAP disc, CID: 0x%x SDP - Ignored L2CAP data while in state: %d, CID: 0x%x SDP - Rcvd L2CAP data, unknown CID: 0x%x SDP - no spare CCB for orig SDP - Originate started SDP - Originate failed SDP - disconnect CID: 0x%x SDP - Rcvd L2CAP disc cfm, unknown CID: 0x%x SDP - Rcvd L2CAP disc cfm, CID: 0x%x SDP - CCB timeout in state: %d CID: 0x%x SDP - server got unknown PDU: 0x%x SDP - no buf for search rsp V@SDP - sdpu_build_n_send_error code: 0x%x CID: 0x%x SDP - no buf for err msg USB ERR: iosAllocAligned(%d, %u) failed: %d iosFree(%d, 0x%x) failed: %d Library is already initialized. Heap Id = %d iusb size: %d lo: %x hi: %x Not enough IPC arena Not enough heaps _intrBlkCtrlCb returned: %d _intrBlkCtrlCb: nclean = %d __intBlkCtrlCb: got invalid nclean Freeing clean[%d] = %x cb = %x cbArg = %x OpenDeviceIds: Not enough memory /dev/usb/%s/%x/%x OpenDevice - %s OpenDevice returned: %d OpenDevice OpenDeviceIdsAsync: Not enough memory CloseDevice CloseDevice returned: %d CloseDeviceAsync: Not enough memory openDevice: Not enough memory getDeviceList: Not enough memory __IntrBlkMsgInt: Not enough memory intr/blk ioctl returned: %d IntBlkMsgInt (async): Not enough memory intrblkmsg: cb = 0x%x cbArg = 0x%x ctrlmsg: bad data buffer Ctrl Msg: Not enough memory CtrlMsgInt (async): Not enough memory ctrlmsgint: cb = 0x%x cbArg = 0x%x Ctrl Msg async returned: %d GetStrCb returned: %d GetStrCb: buf = 0x%x buflen = %u Failed to convert buffer from unicode 2 ascii calling cb 0x%x with arg 0x%x Failed __CtrlMsg: %d Failed to convert unicode 2 ascii GetStr - _GetStrCb GetAsciiStrAsync: Not enough memory __CtrlMsgInt failed %d GetDescrCb returned: %d GetDevDescr GetDevDescr: Not enough memory GetDevDescr: %d GetDevDescr - _GetDescrCb GetDevDescrAsync: Not enough memory DeviceRemovalNotifyAsync Invalid parameters for ISO transfer request IUSB_IsoMsgAsync: Not enough memory Open(%s) failed << RVL_SDK - WPAD debug build: Jan 9 2007 01:32:59 (0x4199_60831) >> WPAD: OnShutDown(): Unknown event %d WPAD: OnShutDown(): Unknown WUD status %d WiFi uses channel = %d WPADInit() 2.1 or later ==>this error means that the firmware is for NDEV %s WPADiConnCallback(): Illegal dev_handle connection is opened Failed assertion (chan >= 0) && (chan <= WPAD_MAX_CONTROLLERS) Failed assertion _wpd[chan].used == FALSE connection is closed Failed assertion chan <= WPAD_MAX_CONTROLLERS clean up command queue WARNING: disconnection for device handle not assigned to channel. WPADiRecvCallback(): Illegal dev_handle! HID Parser reports: %d WPADiRecvCallback(): Unknown channel %d Failed assertion ( 0 <= chan ) && ( chan < WPAD_MAX_CONTROLLERS ) Failed assertion p_wpd->status != WPAD_ERR_NO_CONTROLLER Failed assertion p_wpd->devType == WPAD_DEV_CLASSIC WPADSetSamplingCallback() WPADSetConnectCallback() WPADSetExtensionCallback() Failed assertion 0 <= chan && chan < WPAD_MAX_CONTROLLERS Failed assertion type != NULL Failed assertion ( WPAD_MOTOR_STOP == command ) || ( WPAD_MOTOR_RUMBLE == command ) Failed assertion (0 <= chan) && (chan < WPAD_MAX_CONTROLLERS) Failed assertion status != NULL Failed assertion (buf && length > 0) || (buf == NULL) WPADSetAutoSamplingBuf() Failed assertion p_buf != NULL Failed assertion len >= 0 && len <= 20 Sensitivity must be from 1 to 5. Failed assertion rep_id >= 0x10 && rep_id <= 0x1a || rep_id == WPAD_HIDREP_WAIT Failed assertion p_wpd->audioFrames > 0 handle = %d, repid = %02x @Failed assertion len > 0 && len <= 16 Failed assertion len > 0 && len <= 20 Dpd Setting is ok. Dpd Setting is broken. Old Firmware uses default values because it has no Dpd Setting. Acc is ok. Acc is broken. 0G: accX = %d, accY = %d, accZ = %d 1G: accX = %d, accY = %d, accZ = %d Volume: %d, Motor: %d check sum error. 0G: fsaccX = %d, fsaccY = %d, fsaccZ = %d 1G: fsaccX = %d, fsaccY = %d, fsaccZ = %d FS: X = %d, X max = %d, X min = %d FS: Y = %d, Y max = %d, Y min = %d CL: X = %d, X max = %d, X min = %d CL: Y = %d, Y max = %d, Y min = %d CR: X = %d, X max = %d, X min = %d CR: Y = %d, Y max = %d, Y min = %d LR: L = %d, R = %d type : %d mode : %d Received report 20 initialize attachment already initialized already disconnected read error happens! base addr: %08x length : %d received data is out of range! Received ack! ack --> report ID = %02x, error code = %d ack error --> report ID = %d, error code = %d invalid ack! O> v7 $3Ert 4&Yr GlIg{ i LMr *4d+ 6r=, Ra%> ,+u.E& 2x6I dq&c !Ff^ H'Ed -ru? ]WUQ w1i& `745 NS.w; \3hZ 7HM9 2T)(N *L%[ oqE= *Db' _JQk /ZV( 6em x4I [MW(h 1v;K *huz f^<| w/`L D#1{Q Fmz~ M0N6@1 4PQK2 H^Uk +u.f n|Rv "Agr we>_ Q4F. Us,D1y Cd= 0 && _scArray.num <= WUD_MAX_DEV_ENTRY_FOR_STD Nintendo RVL-CNT-01 name : %s No allocator is registered! Please register allocator before initialization. BTA_Init() is started BTA_Init() is done Failed assertion alloc != NULL && free != NULL WUDShutdown() WUDSetSyncDeviceCallback WUDSetClearDeviceCallback WUDStartSyncDevice() WUDStartSyncSimple() WUDCancelSyncDevice() WUDStopSyncSimple() WUDStartClearDevice() WUDSetDisableChannel() BTM_SetAfhChannels() : %d WUDSetHidRecvCallback() WUDSetHidConnCallback() WUDiAppendRuntimePatch() hci_version : %02x hci_revision : %04x lmp_version : %02x lmp_subversion: %04x manufacturer : %04x ==> 2045 firmware ver.002.003.014.%d start WUDiInitSub() WUDiAutoSync() WUDiCancelSync() WUDiDeleteAllLinkKeys() Failed assertion p_wcb->devNums <= WUD_MAX_DEV_ENTRY_FOR_STD Failed assertion p_wcb->devSmpNums <= WUD_MAX_DEV_ENTRY_FOR_SMP BTA_DmAddDevice(): %d BTA_HhAddDev() WUDiRemoveDevice : handle : %d, addr : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x remove device info from database. BTA_HhRemoveDev() handle : %d BTA_DmRemoveDevice(): %d Failed assertion index >= 0 && index <= WUD_MAX_DEV_ENTRY new entry index is %d WARNING: USB_CLOSE_FAILURE! WUDSecurityCallback: BTA_ENABLE_EVT host : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x BTA_DISABLE_EVT BTA_DM_PIN_REQ_EVT BTA_DM_AUTH_CMPL_EVT addr : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x key : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x result = %d BTA_DM_AUTHORIZE_EVT BTA_DM_LINK_UP_EVT addr : %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x not paired 4 links exist %s --> %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT result: %d this device in not paired WARNING: link num count is reset. BTA_DM_SIG_STRENGTH_EVT BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT n|INQUIRY RESULT: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %02x%02x%02x %d INQUIRY_COMPLETED DISCOVER RESULT: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %s (%04x) DISCOVER COMPLETED SEARCH CANCEL Warning: Search Callback returns invalid event VSE:- INITIATE_PAIRING VSE:- DELETE_ALL_KEYS VSE:- SI_PORT_STATUS status = %d VSE:- WATCH_DOG_RESET HW error = %d MODULE FATAL ERROR WUDDeviceStatusCallback ---- WARNING: USB FATAL ERROR! ---- BTM_CB_EVT_RETURN_LINK_KEYS BD_ADDR: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x LINKKEY: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x this device is not stored in NAND LAST: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x BTM_CB_EVT_READ_STORED_LINK_KEYS status: %d max_keys: %d num_keys: %d BTM_CB_EVT_WRITE_STORED_LINK_KEYS status: %d num_keys: %d Failed assertion p_w_cmpl->num_keys != 0 BTM_CB_EVT_DELETE_STORED_LINK_KEYS WARNING: no entry is deleted Unknown event WUDPowerManagerCallback hci_status = %d addr = %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x, status = %d _WUDEnableTestMode _WUDStartSyncDevice() _WUDDeleteStoreDevice() dev number = %d BTA_HH_ENABLE_EVT BTA_HH_DISABLE_EVT BTA_HH_OPEN_EVT handle: %d, addr: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x WUDHidHost.c Failed assertion p_info != NULL Failed assertion p_conn->handle >= 0 && p_conn->handle < WUD_MAX_DEV_ENTRY error code: %d BTA_HH_CLOSE_EVT device handle : %d status = %d Failed assertion p_cb->handle >= 0 && p_cb->handle < WUD_MAX_DEV_ENTRY BTA_HH_SET_RPT_EVT BTA_HH_GET_RPT_EVT BTA_HH_SET_PROTO_EVT BTA_HH_GET_PROTO_EVT BTA_HH_SET_IDLE_EVT BTA_HH_GET_IDLE_EVT BTA_HH_GET_DCSP_EVT BTA_HH_ADD_DEV_EVT result: %d, handle: %d, addr: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x BTA_HH_RMV_DEV_EVT BTA_HH_VS_UNPLUG_EVT WARNING: link num count is modified. Invalid app_id [%d] bta_hh_co_open() bta_hh_co_close() WUD : %s << RVL_SDK - NCD debug build: Nov 15 2006 15:29:41 (0x4199_60831) >> << RVL_SDK - NCD debug build: Nov 15 2006 15:29:41 (0x4199_60831) UNOFFICIAL >> NCDReadConfig Illegal parameter. "config" is NULL. NCDWriteConfig NCDSetIfConfig "ifconfig" is NULL. Illegal status. Unavailable from exception handler. Network interface config is locked exclusively. Firmware is still in progress. NWC24iLockSocket failure. (%d) NCDSetIpConfig "ipconfig" is NULL. IP config is locked exclusively. NCDSetNwc24Permission Network config is locked exclusively. NCDGetCurrentConfig Network interface is not decided which one should be used. NCDGetCurrentIfConfig NCDGetCurrentIpConfig IP config is not decided which one should be used. NCDGetLinkStatus /dev/net/ncd/manage IOS_Open failure. (%d) IOS_Ioctlv failure. (%d) Succeeded to get state, but invalid linkState (%d) IOS_Close failure. (%d) NCDGetWirelessMacAddress Illegal parameter. "pAddr" is NULL. NCDLockWirelessDriver Succeeded to lock, but invalid lockID (%d) NCDUnlockWirelessDriver Illegal parameter. "lockId" is %d. NCDRestoreConfig NCDiGetConfig NCDiSetConfig NCDiGetEnabledConfigList ncdsystem.c Could not reserve heap for NCD library from IPC arena << RVL_SDK - NWC24 debug build: Nov 15 2006 15:29:50 (0x4199_60831) >> ![NWC24 Warning %s:%d] NWC24Schedule.c Scheduler suspend count mismatch. %d %d NWC24iGetSchedulerStat ![NWC24 Warning] NWC24iGetSchedulerStat() %s Illegal status. Unavailable from exception handler. /dev/net/kd/request NWC24GetScheduleSpan NWC24SetScheduleSpan NWC24SetFilterMode ![NWC24 Warning] Operation is not permitted. Check NWC24Permission. NWC24iRequestGenerateUserId NWC24iRequestRegisterUserId NWC24iStartupSocket NWC24iCleanupSocket NWC24iLockSocket NWC24iUnlockSocket NWC24iCheckMailNow NWC24iSendMailNow NWC24iReceiveMailNow NWC24iSaveMailNow NWC24iDownloadNowEx NWC24iSetDebugMode NWC24iSetWakeUpAlarm ![NWC24 Warning] Trying to open the library more than once. ![NWC24 Warning] Trying to close the library more than once. ExecSuspendScheduler ExecTrySuspendScheduler ExecResumeScheduler ![NWC24 Warning] %s() %s /dev/net/kd/time NWC24iSetRtcCounter ![NWC24 Warning] %s() %s Illegal status. Unavailable from exception handler. ![NWC24 Warning] %s() %s Firmware is still in progress. ![NWC24 Warning] %s() %s (%d) IOS_Open failure. IOS_Close failure. IOS_CloseAsync failure. IOS_Ioctl failure. IOS_IoctlAsync failure. NWC24iPrepareShutdown /dev/net/kd/request NWC24iRequestShutdown << RVL_SDK - SO debug build: Nov 15 2006 15:30:05 (0x4199_60831) >> /dev/net/ip/top SOCommon.c Allocater took Invalid align buffer SOSocket SOConnect SOBasic.c Invalid SOSockAddr. len = %d ( > %d ) SOGetHostID SOSetSockOpt SOGetInterfaceOpt ICMPSocket ICMPClose ICMPPing /shared2/test testlog.txt %s=%s,%s /dev/net/wd/command %02x %04x %s %s %02x %c%c%s %04x%s ECHK 16824 16823 done. %02d Cancel ssid ES1.x ES2.x 128MB 64MB SERNO CODE %s%s [%d] S L MP ESS IBSS %04x fd=%d %d#%d ES1.x ES2.x 128MB 64MB main.c OS.c %08x Program Trace IABR HAEA (%s) /dev/es MEM_0 MEM_1 MEM_2 MEM_3 DSP_AI DSP_DSP AI_AI PI_CP PI_SI PI_DI PI_RSW PI_VI PI_HSP PI_ACR unknown %s OSRtc.c mtx.c mtx44.c dvdfs.c C(dvd.c /dev/di vi.c Pad.c image GXTev.c GX_S8 GX_S16 COLOR0 ALPHA0 COLOR1 ALPHA1 Width Height used /dev/fs nand.c %s/%s /dev/es IPL.CB IPL.AR IPL.ARN IPL.CD IPL.CD2 IPL.DH IPL.E60 IPL.FRC IPL.IDL IPL.INC IPL.LNG IPL.NIK IPL.PC IPL.PGS IPL.SSV IPL.SND IPL.UPT NET.CNF DEV.BTM DEV.VIM DEV.CTC DEV.DSM BT.DINF BT.SENS BT.SPKV BT.MOT BT.BAR DVD.CNF WWW.RST SCv0 SCed U8/S8 BOOL U16/S16 U32/S32 U64/S64 ARRAY UNKNOWN AREA %02x TRUE FALSE ******* TRUE FALSE Bad UA Bad DM USB: WPAD.c WUD.c start /dev/es 8%s(): %s(): SOClose SOBind SORead SOWrite SOFcntl %s/%s